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Socrates/Plato: Our World is the Handiwork of a MIND!

January 7, 2022
Philosophy: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle (video) | Khan Academy
The philosophy of Socrates and Plato are foundational to Western realities!
TheGreekPhilosopher on Twitter: "The founders of Western Philosophy!  #Socrates #Plato #Aristotle #philosophy" / Twitter
Thinking starts with some basic concepts of Greek philosophy!

Dualism is the philosophy of both Socrates and Plato. Aristotle, however, had the mind of a Monist (mostly). My view is that Dualism is reality as I live it. My ‘mind’ is separate/independent from my body/brain. My ideas, thoughts, concepts, images all derive from my spiritual ‘mind’. Today, many call this my ‘consciousness’.

Let’s think about these concepts of space, time, matter, motion, and mind for this missive. I will give you my understanding of each of these concepts:

  1. Space: the receptacle (or container) of all matter. Space is without matter (has no objects). It is empty. I perceive ‘space’ because of the objects I observe within our universe. Space, however, is merely a ‘word’ or ‘label’ for this receptacle/container of these objects in motion…also called matter in motion. Space gets perceived via the human MIND.
  2. Time: that which emerges from objects in motion. Time is imaginary (mental)…separate from motion. It does not exist but we perceive time as a ‘unit of motion’. Our planet revolves around our Sun and this motion gives us the reason for ‘time’. Day/night emerge from the ‘spin’ of our planet (motion). Time is invented by the human MIND.
  3. Matter: the stuff which gives me the understanding that there are objects in space. This stuff appears to have solidity and occupies space. It is eternal and everlasting…has always existed. God created our universe from this eternal item (matter) and put within it ‘motion’. Without our Source (God) all would collapse into nothingness and chaos!
  4. Motion: the movement I perceive as I observe objects in space (say the moon as it moves in space). I also perceive that all matter has motion (inherent within). God started ‘motion’ as he is the unmoved mover. The MIND of our Creator is necessary for motion to function within matter. Spirit is ultimate. Matter is separate and needs spirit if motion is to happen. Matter (in motion) may be eternal.
  5. Mind: the ultimate Source of ALL is MIND. Another word for ‘mind’ is my consciousness. I live within my ‘consciousness’ (mind). I receive my ideas, thoughts, words, and images from this source called my ‘mind’ or ‘spirit’ or ‘consciousness’. The ULTIMATE SOURCE, however, is our Creator God. This implies that I live ‘at effect’. I am an ‘agent’ (not the Principal). The person or source on whose behalf and subject to whose control an agent acts is the ‘principal’.

The writings of Plato in the Timaeus gives us a model of his thinking and philosophy. My sense is that this model derived from Socrates (prior to his death). Socrates viewed himself as ‘immortal’. His real self was NOT his body…it was his spirit within or that active force which ‘animated’ his body/flesh. Why did Socrates not fear his death? It was because he viewed his real self as this ‘immortal’ entity which animated his personality. Today, I recognize this reality as being my ‘consciousness’ and/or ‘mind’.

I do live in TWO realms and this means that I buy into the basic philosophy of Socrates and Plato. Plato used the word ‘forms’ for that which is ‘separate’ from the body/brain. He viewed these ‘forms’ as ultimate reality derived from the ultimate SOURCE (God). He viewed objects (matter) as created by these ‘forms’ (the blueprint or map of that which is created). Forms include ‘numbers’ (1, 2, 3, etc.). The philosophy of these Greek philosophers were foundational to our Western science and beliefs (originally).

Religion copied the philosophy of Plato in many respects. Our Bible is primarily based upon this idea of Dualism. God is viewed as separate from Matter. Intelligence is necessary to create objects of matter. Intelligence is necessary for ‘motion’ to happen. The ‘unmover mover’ is this Source which generates all motion (within our universe of matter). Ontologically, God is a Being which is independent from Matter. I am a ‘being’ independent from matter. I am NOT my body/brain (as many declare within science and education). I assume you are similar/identical.

Is it time to rethink our education on issues of reality? I think so! Dualism is reality and Monism is less than reality. Materialism is the philosophy of most of our educators today. This makes these thinkers Monists (mostly). Why do so few understand ‘economics’ and ‘finance’? My sense is that their MINDS are unaware of their real nature as spiritual beings. Unawareness is our problem today within science and education. Much of religion is also unaware of Dualism and its realities. Think of our ‘dollar’ and all cryptocurrencies as examples of Dualism. Today our dollar is ‘virtual’ (as are all these cryptocurrencies).

Virtual reality is what all ‘finance’ is about today. Our Fed creates our money from their MIND. This is strong evidence of Dualism in action. Creating our ‘money’ out-of-nothing is what happens in today’s world of finance. What a joke on human understanding which FEW comprehend. Money from the MIND of banksters is today’s reality. Manipulation of finance so that the FEW can rule over the MANY. What a joke on human comprehension. I witness this joke/fantasy every day as I watch the virtual markets of unreality. Is it time to rethink our basic philosophy on LIFE?

Famous Philosophers: What Did Plato Believe? - Owlcation
Plato believed in TWO realms of reality! Forms/ideas and Objects of matter!
21 Profound Plato Quotes That Will Change Your Life Philosophy - YouTube
Looking within one’s self is key to discovering core issues of reality!
Immortality Plato and Penelhum Plato and Immortality Socrates
Immortality implies Dualism. Dualism implies TWO realms of reality!
God is not the universe | Bible truth, Inspirational quotes, Quotes about  god
One Creator (Potter) created all that we observe on Planet Earth! Who Else deserves our worship!

Have a great day! I am:

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