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Biden, Putin, NATO Crisis! Likely before X-mas!

December 7, 2021
This area of our planet could produce the next conflict!
Biden and Putin to speak via video call amid Ukraine troop buildup - The  Week
Biden and Putin to talk via a video call today! Will consensus emerge?

Today, Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin will talk via Zoom on issues re: the Ukraine situation over in the Black Sea area. Biden (representing the West) along with NATO want to push Putin into a role where he backs off on the Ukraine crisis. Will Biden and NATO succeed? My sense is absolutely NO. Putin must protect his sovereignty in this area of our globe if Russia is to remain a nation.

The Black Sea area and the Ukraine situation must remain under Russian control IMO. This seems obvious to me. Russia has some 175,000 troops on the border now and Biden’s policy to force Putin to back off is unlikely to happen. NATO and Biden will not convince Putin to change his policy re: the Ukraine situation. That is my view. Where does this lead going forward?

My sense is that this leads to a confrontation some time this month. This is likely prior to X-mas. Trying to use economic sanctions to force Russia (Putin) to back off on the Ukraine situation will probably produce a global crisis soon. Russia needs to control its territory around the Black Sea if it is to remain a regional power. Biden and NATO will not succeed in forcing Putin to change his hegemony in this area of our world.

Russia, China, and Iran are all producing foreign policy issues which do not favor the USA going forward. But control is the issue which all these politicians desire. Putin wants control over his area of the globe. Xi Jinping wants control of his area and Biden wants to gain control over the entire planet with his policies for the West. Who will rule the planet is the CORE issue for these politicians.

Hypersonic missiles are the big issue today in military circles. China wants more, Russia wants more, and now the USA wants more hypersonic missiles. Does any of this sound like PEACE on this planet? You can read more on these core issues here:

Our world situation is producing instability in economics, politics, and our military. This instability must lead to action at some point. Prophecy does indicate that a war is coming over issues of who will rule this planet. As of today, Biden, Putin, Xi, and a host of minor dictators all want to rule our planet. None of this will lead to peace and harmony. My sense is that a GLOBAL CRISIS is brewing that will create the next conflict. Sometime prior to X-mas is my sense. Think for yourself on all these issues.

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I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher,

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