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Why we need a Borderless Planet! Kingdom Econmics!

November 12, 2021
The Benefits of a Borderless World | The Takeaway | WNYC Studios
During Kingdom Age there will be NO borders! Amazing!

In today’s Wall Street Journal there were many articles on issues of borders. Europe is now advocating borders for some nations as dictators, like Lukashenko of Belarus, is promoting migration of illegals into Poland and other nearby countries. Biden has also started a new wall on the Mexican border (a surprise) and Israel has their border to prevent Palestinians crossing into areas of Israel. Trump was a big believer in borders and this mindset is causing serious issues for citizens who want to travel between countries.

My view is that the Kingdom Age is coming and during this AGE there will be NO borders. The planet will function without dictators and politicians who desire to advance their interests (economic/political) over their neighbors. The planet is not designed for borders IMO. We live on a planet that is now interconnected and where communication is instantaneous. Why would we want to promote borders and artificial barriers to prevent movement from one location to another. Planet Earth is a round sphere and the people desire to inter-relate socially, economically, politically, and spiritually. Borders need to be eliminated IMO.

Travel and culture is advanced when people can connect with people and promote relationships. The past concept of a bordered world is now obsolete. We all need to think in terms of ONE planet under God (it’s called the Kingdom Age). Our Creator says that the Kingdom Age is coming and this means NO BORDERS for our planet. Those with wisdom will start to advance a mindset of a borderless world. Thinkers in all parts of our planet are now recognizing the problems with installing borders/fences/walls. People find ways to dismiss these restrictions. The mindset of the young is to advance a ‘borderless’ world/planet.

One planet under God is my vision. It’s called the Kingdom Age. God rules this planet now and his vision is a borderless world going forward. Our politicians need to think in terms of a future for the young. They need to recognize the new interconnected world which is emerging. I/You can now communicate with anyone on our planet in real-time. Why should I/You be restricted from travel to any venue on the planet? Makes no sense! Think about a future for our children. The young desire a world of NO borders. When will our politicians wake-up to real-time reality? The TIME is NOW! See the images below for evidence!

Surge of Migrant Children at the Border Leads to Crowded Shelters - The New  York Times
Our young want a world without borders! Politicians want borders to control us! This must change!
Borderless World : A Threat? – BMS: Bachelor of Management Studies Portal
7 reasons why we should have open borders | New Internationalist
World Map if Borders were Determined by Distance from National Capital :  r/imaginarymaps
World map of borders makes no sense today! It promotes division/war/fighting!
border | National Geographic Society
The young do not want borders! They want reforma ya! I agree!
Poland Gets Support From Europe on Tough Borders - The New York Times
Hundreds of migrants gather at Belarus/Poland border! Borders do not work for today’s citizens!
What is happening with US President Donald Trump's border wall, and what  does president-elect Joe Biden intend to do? - ABC News
The border wall has not stopped migrants! The problem is worse now than during Trump years!

President Biden has been criticized by people in both parties for his handling of the border. On the day he took office in January, he signed a proclamation that paused construction of Donald Trump’s border wall. Since then, most of the barrier has been halted. But new construction has begun on 13 miles of border wall in Hidalgo County, Texas, to the dismay of some locals. NPR’s John Burnett reports.

Why we need a world without borders | The Independent
During Kingdom Age there will be NO borders! Is it time to think anew?
The Kingdom of God with its Entrance, Development and Reality in the Church
HaShem/Yahweh/Father works invisibly and without observation! The Kingdom arrives as few comprehend! Amazing!

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