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Invalid Perceptions/Interpretations on the Life of Yeshua/Jesus!

October 9, 2021
Scientists claim this is how Jesus Christ really looked |
The real historical Yeshua was Aramaic and looked more like the image to the left. Our Christian leaders have tried to promote a WHITE Jesus to fit with their deceptions and dogma’s! Deception is what works in this world of Satan’s rule!

For this missive let’s cover a few of the invalid perceptions/interpretations which Christian leaders espouse on the issue of ‘who was Yeshua’. The bullet points are the following:

  1. Yeshua (a Jew) did not view himself as God (Yahweh).
  2. Yeshua (also called Jesus) did not view himself as born of a Virgin.
  3. Yeshua did not view himself as having TWO natures (the Hypostatic Union).
  4. Yeshua did not view himself as Perfect (he chose baptism).
  5. Yeshua did not view himself as part of a Trinity (a Christian heresy).
  6. Yeshua did not view himself as the incarnation of God (or the Son of God).
  7. Yeshua’s Gospel was not the Kingdom of himself (it was the Kingdom of the Father).
  8. Yeshua (a man) did not desire to SAVE followers via his blood (salvation comes from the Father).

Today, we have millions of Christians acting like they will inherit a Kingdom when Yeshua returns. This fantasy is invalid. Yeshua’s KINGDOM is not the Kingdom of himself but the KINGDOM of his God. His God was the God of Israel (also called Yahweh). Yeshua’s mission (while on earth) was to promote the idea of God’s Kingdom coming to our planet. This never happened and we how must wait for another Messiah.

Islam has it right when they claim that Yeshua never desired to be worshiped and he never claimed to be God (Yahweh or Allah). Islam assumes that Yeshua will bring us the Kingdom of their God when he arrives. The Jews assume that the coming Messiah will bring us world peace and a new ERA where the God of Israel will rule over planet Earth. Christians are now waiting for a 2nd coming to rescue them from the coming Wrath of the real God (Yahweh/Father) who rules from his Throne (within us).

The perceptions and interpretations of Evangelical Christianity are mostly invalid and this means that the Church Age is essentially OVER. Most of the Christian dogma’s are not based on sound exegesis of scripture. Millions of followers are deceived by the continuing rhetoric of pastors who can not discern the real message of scripture. The biggest flaw in the thinking of pastors who espouse the dogma’s of Christianity center around the invalid views about the historical Yeshua/Jesus.

Yeshua never viewed himself as God, part of a Trinity, perfect, of dual nature, born of a virgin, or bringing mankind salvation via his blood. All this doctrine is now invalid and the thinking of our Christian leaders will bring us the coming tribulation. There will be no rapture of Christians (into the clouds above). This is another deception perpetrated by Christian leaders for their followers. Is it time for the Church Age to END? I think so!

The tribulation is coming to help us all clear up our thinking about reality. The current group of leaders within our religious institutions (especially Christian leaders) are mostly presenting gross deceptions and the BIGGEST deception of all is this idea that Jesus is God. Jesus never viewed himself as God. He did view himself as a Prophet and a Messiah. But a prophet/messiah is a human being who has been anointed by Yahweh God. A Messiah is NOT God! This is totally invalid and non-scriptural.

You can do your own exegesis on the words in the Old and New testament. I will help you by providing some images from Google which I find helpful.

Is Jesus God? Why should I believe that Jesus is God? |
Jesus or Yeshua (his name in Aramaic) was a believer in the God of Israel. This God was called Yahweh in the Old testament and Father in the New testament. To discern the mindset of Yeshua you need to understand life as he lived it. He prayed to his God (Yahweh) and he viewed his mission as derived from his God (the Father). He would never promote himself as God. This is false exegesis!
Concept of God in Christianity - Jesus (pbuh) himself never said, “I am God”  or Worship me” - YouTube
Islam has it right. Yeshua was Messiah but NOT God! He did not desire to replace the God of Israel (with himself). Christianity has deceived the world with their dogma’s. The Church Age is now OVER!
Les Feldick's Biblical Timelines » Les Feldick Daily
This chart shows some history. The Church Age ends and then the Tribulation Starts! We are now at the point where the tribulation is the next issue for mankind to deal with. I do not view the Christian (bodily) rapture as valid exegesis. A non-bodily catching, however, could be valid for select believers. God protects those who he elects to serve during each dispensation!
The Wrath of God See next slide for verse… Romans ppt download
The Wrath of our Creator is meant to turn people from a mindset of deception to the REAL God! This wrath has a positive purpose as deceptions will vanish as reality emerges! Our world needs some tribulation so our THINKING can refocus on issues of REALITY!
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