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Economics: Does a Digital $ Exist? Where?

June 14, 2021
Markets Decline (two days) Hurrah! Hurrah! | Kingdom Economics
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Today, we live with digital currencies which are virtual in nature. What is a digital $ (this currency of America)? I look for this unit daily as I buy items at the store. But I can not find this unit in REAL-TIME space. I can not OBSERVE this unit in real-time. So where is this $ which is now ubiquitous?

The reality is that a digital $ exists ONLY in cyberspace (not in our real-time space). Cyberspace is artificially created as we connect computers into a network. So cyberspace does not technically exist in real-time space. Cyberspace is artificially created as we connect our computers to a network.

Since cyberspace and our digital $ is now artificially created by human programmers, we do not have any material $ for our transactions. This digital $ is now a figment within our consciousness. The old paper dollar is being replaced with a cyber $ which our commercial bankers can create ‘artificially’ (via their thinking). What does all this mean going forward?

What this means is that our cyber $ can now vanish and disappear as ‘values’ decline. Asset values can crash and decline and then this cyber $ vanishes back into our consciousness as the unit is ‘imaginary’. Yes, we now live mostly with ‘imaginary’ money (these cyber currencies). God has given this to us so ALL money can eventually be eliminated. Money is really a curse upon society and it has now fulfilled its purpose. Soon all money will be eliminated from our planet.

During the coming Kingdom Age (coming in the next decade) we will experience a new world where MONEY has no purpose or role. People will volunteer to serve mankind and MONEY will be history. The harbinger to this new era is here now with these cyber/virtual/digital currencies. All these units which we use for buying/selling are really units of our imagination. Units of our imagination can be eliminated with a public decision. Amazing!

Few thinkers are AWARE that our digital/virtual currencies are ‘imaginary’. We think that these units exist as we SEE the numbers in our computer screen. But numbers in the computer screen are virtual. Virtual means part of our imagination. We now buy/sell/invest/trade with virtual units of our ‘imagination’. The next event will be the total elimination of all MONEY for our planet. God (under the Kingdom Age economy) will make this final event to happen.

The transition to a world of volunteers where all money is history is starting now. People will come first in this NEW economy of the Kingdom Age. People will serve mankind and all the resources on our planet will be owned by our REAL government (the Kingdom of God). This NEW economy is emerging as I write and the digital $ (and all these digital currencies) will be history. Money will be eliminated from planet Earth.

There will be NO return to a gold standard or a paper standard. Those who advocate this idea do not understand reality. Reality is spiritual and our REAL King is our Creator (not this concept called evolution from chance). There is no ‘chance’ with our REAL King. All is determined and planned. The theories of man will vanish as the Kingdom Age emerges. Darwinian evolution is pure myth and fantasy for those of us who understand reality.

Our REAL King is invisible and works via his spirit to accomplish his goals and plans. We humans are agents/servants of this SOURCE. But the blind educators within our institutions of higher (lower) learning can not discern spiritual realities. Their minds are closed to these realities. They concoct fantasy theories so they can fool the gullible. Most thinkers on this planet are gullible zombies. They buy into all the false rhetoric of these blind educators.

Reality is spiritual at the core. The words which I speak are derived. The words which you speak are derived. Derived from where? Derived from the spiritual realm. But our deceived educators within our institutions of higher (lower) learning can not discern any of this. They think with blinders and talk with lies and deception. Amazing! We live in a world of DECEPTION and most refuse to THINK as agents of our REAL King. Amazing!

Prepare for a NEW world within economics down the road. A world where ALL money will be eliminated. This NEW world will be called the KINGDOM AGE. Our Creator will rule and man will serve. It’s all part the GREATER plan of our spiritual SOURCE. Step by step the plan emerges in real-time. Understanding MONEY gives me a head start over the deceived pundits on this planet. Have a good day and watch the Kingdom Age emerge over time.

Why Money Is An illusion - YouTube
The Illusion of MONEY, TIME & EGO - Alan Watts - YouTube
Are You Really Rich... Or Is Your Wealth An Illusion? | The Wealth  Architects
ThetaHealing®: The Money You'll Spend Never Existed | Office for Science  and Society - McGill University

I am: Donald B. Swenson,,

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