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Central Banks, Billionaires, Wealth Disparity, Unsound Money!

March 4, 2021

When Central Banks Rule The World by Joan Veon on Vimeo
The Alchemists: Three Central Bankers and a World on Fire |
Here Are The Billionaires Funding The Democratic Presidential Candidates
Making Billions: The Richest People in the World in 2020
Quotes about Income disparity (17 quotes)
The wealth disparity has grown in the past five years and it grows annually irrespective of political party in power!
Unsound Banking: Most of the World's Banks Are Headed for Collapse
Unsound money allows our banks to favor those who have already been favored with money and loans!
Fifty Years of Unsound Money! Where has it Led? | Kingdom Economics
Banks merely ‘type numbers’ into an account (mostly those with excessive wealth already) to increase this wealth further! It’s a system which favors all these billionaires!
Fifty Years of Unsound Money! Where has it Led? | Kingdom Economics
Unsound money started with this group of criminals (back in 1971 and after)! Who are they?

Why is our world heading for tribulation and collapse? Is there a reason? I would suggest that the core reasons are the following:

1. Central Banks
2. Billionaires
3. Wealth Disparity
4. Unsound Money

We live today with Central Banks which rule over all finance and economic activity. These Central Banks are now polluting our economy with their monetary polices and their desire to further their rule over the planet. The key Central Banks are the American Fed, the Peoples Bank of China, the European Central Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, the Bank of England, and the Bank of Japan.

With Central Banks running our system of commerce we need to recognize who these planners favor for furthering their control and hegemony over the markets. Central Banks favor those who can borrow, borrow, and borrow more. But they also favor those who pay them back these borrowed funds. Who might these policymakers favor?

I would suggest that our Central Banks favor the billionaires who control our Big Tech companies and our Big real estate entities. They also favor their own body of banks which give them more control and favor. The system operates like a cartel which has total control over our global commerce. What does this create for our markets?

It creates HUGE wealth disparity within our markets. Today, the 1% control some 80% of all wealth. Is this a system which favors freedom? I don’t think so! Wealth disparity is growing and allowing these billionaires to act like national dictators. They can now censure and select those who favor their ego and wealth disparity policies. Why would they change their behavior when they can control more wealth with their decisions?

The final item which corrupts our markets is our ‘unsound’ money system. Our world system of commerce started out with sound money backed by gold and silver. Today, we have unbacked money which is essentially ‘imaginary’. Mere units of the mind are created ($$$$$$$$$$$) via the computer and then funneled to those with favor. Our unsound money system is now ‘imaginary’ (mere numbers..1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0). Our legal tender has become units of our ‘imagination’. Amazing!

Yes, we live with a criminal system of money creation which ‘disappears’ when value declines. Gold and silver did not disappear when these commodities were used as our money. But all this changed in 1971 when President Nixon closed the gold window and our money system became mere ‘numbers’ (units of our imagination). Is this unsound or what?

I would suggest that when the next BIG stock market crash arrives (soon I hope), people will witness the ‘disappearance’ of trillions of money units. Vanishing ‘numbers’ represent our ‘value’ today. Our markets could technically go to ZERO if our Central Planners allowed this to happen. Our money is ‘imaginary’! Can you discern this reality?

Look at our Smart Phone screen for evidence. Look at your computer screen for evidence. Loot at the screens of our stock exchanges for evidence. All these ‘numbers’ (representing value) are units of our imagination! What an absurd monetary system we live with. Our Central Bankers have allowed all this to happen and now they desire to RULE the planet with their ‘imaginary’ money. What a farce! What a sham! What criminality! Who discerns the PONZI?

Yes, our Central Banks, our Billionaires, our Wealth Disparity, and our Unsound Money are real-time events. All this is leading to a criminal world of commerce which scripture calls the MARK OF THE BEAST. This BEAST system is arriving fast and few seem to discern the consequences. Take the ‘mark’ and discover your future! Bow to these criminals in power and discover your enslavement. Support these illegal activities and discover your demise as a free person.

It’s all happening as I write this missive. We live within a CRIMINAL financial/political system. It’s leading to the MARK OF THE BEAST and then this period called the GREAT TRIBULATION. To clean up this criminal, beast system, people must desire to CHANGE their behavior. We must REJECT the above! REJECT the enslavement! REJECT the SYSTEM as it is functioning! Reject the leaders which perpetuate this corrupt/criminal system! REJECT, REJECT, REJECT!!!!!

Think for yourself as you experience events going forward. A new system is coming! It’s called the KINGDOM of our CREATOR. It is coming, coming, coming. The few comprehend. The few with wisdom will understand. Those who bow to the ‘BEAST system’ will eventually wish they had ‘rejected’ the above! Think for yourself! I am:

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