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Biggest Issue (for Young) is Wealth Inequality!

September 27, 2020

The consequences of economic inequality
Daily chart - Millions of millionaires | Graphic detail | The Economist
Forbes Billionaires 2020
Billionaires Suffer From Volatile World Economy - iExpats

Since Donald Trump became the U.S. President in 2016 some 660,000 new citizens became millionaires. As of today, America has some 18 million millionaires (tripling since 2009). America also has a growing list of new billionaires (who seek much more from either a Trump or Biden administration). So we have a major problem for our young who live on food stamps and unemployment checks (now nearly 74 million Americans).

Some 44.5 million Americans are food stamp recipients and some 30 million are drawing unemployment checks (that’s as of today). Has Mr. Trump helped the rich or what? Why all the protests over ‘wealth inequality’? Do the young have a point? It is obvious that our current President has not reduced this major problem for our younger generations. This is shameful IMO. Trump has made no effort to reduce our debts, deficits, and our wealth inequality.

Mr. Trump touts his great MAGA mantra and maintains that everyone is getting richer under his leadership. Is this bullshit or what? His policies (as I have been writing about for years) are furthering the ‘wealth inequality’. Another four years for this loser is unjustified. That is my view.

But will his opponent make this situation better or worse (assuming a Biden administration). My sense is that conditions will get much worse under Biden. Why? Look at our situation here: Our debts are beyond repayment. Our deficits will increase substantially under Biden economic policies (Biden is a Socialist). Wake up voters…nothing will change for our younger generations under either of these losers.

As I write, the top 1% of voters own some 50% of all our ‘wealth’. The estimate is that some 70% of all American wealth will be in the hands of millionaires and billionaires by 2021. This is shameful and shows that wealth inequality will continue under either of the above losers. Vote for Biden and you will get Socialism (big time). Vote for Trump and the wealth inequality will grow exponentially. His track record shows his mindset.

Here are a few numbers to internalize as you watch the coming debates starting this Tuesday at 9 p.m. (EST):

1. U.S. National Debt: $26.8 trillion (no decline since Clinton days).
2. U.S. Deficit (2020): $4.2 trillion (this shows total lack of budgetary discipline).
3. U.S. Gross National Product: $19.6 trillion (down this past year under Trump).
4. U.S. Total Debt: $82.1 trillion (shows total lack of discipline by our consumers and politicians).
5. U.S. National Assets: $124.5 trillion (down some $15 trillion under Trump). Mostly this year.

Yes, the Covid-19 virus has been a major issue for economics this past year. But what I hear from Mr. Trump is more bragging about all his economic accomplishments. MAGA is not happening. This is pure MYTH and LIES. His economic policies are now producing HUGE ‘wealth inequality’ and the YOUNG can discern this result. His foreign policy is also totally ineffective. China is soon seeking a war to settle the issue of who RULES planet earth.

Expect Trump to lose to Biden in November unless Biden folds due to his MENTAL deficiencies. Will Biden be on drugs this Tuesday to Camouflage his mental gaffes? The Donald is asking for a DRUG TEST either prior to the debate or immediately after. Why this request (I saw the tweet today)? Does the Donald smell a drug Camouflage in the making? Tune in to the DEBATE this Tuesday to discern the thinking of these TWO losers.

Here is a very positive biography on Joe Biden:

Here Joe challenges anyone to push-ups and math logic:

Have a great day and watch the debate as this election will be significant (no matter who wins). I am:

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