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The Teaching of Yeshua (while on planet Earth): It’s Called Yeshua’s GOSPEL from the Father!

September 1, 2020

What is the Gospel: Jesus Delivers the Kingdom to the Father | Radically  Christian
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Pin on Gospel of Mark

Our Christian religion is preaching a FALSE gospel which was not the Gospel of Yeshua our Messiah.
Thank God, the Church Age is soon over. It’s time for the original Gospel to be proclaimed again. Our Messiah preached the Gospel of the Kingdom. Let’s read the message here: Mark 1: 14-15.

After John (the Baptist) had been arrested, Yeshua went into Galilee. There Yeshua proclaimed the Good News from God Almighty (Yahweh). The time has come, he said, and the Kingdom of God (Yahweh) is close at hand. Repent, and believe the Good News.

Yes, Yeshua, a Jew from Nazareth, was man’s Messiah (the one anointed by Yahweh God). This Jew from Nazareth proclaimed a Gospel which was changed after his death (by Paul of Tarsus and others) into a FALSE gospel ABOUT the person (Yeshua). Since 33 A.D. (the death of Yeshua) a church has emerged which adopted the gospel of Paul (mostly) and this became Christianity. Christianity has proclaimed a FALSE gospel for nearly 2,000 years.

The REAL Gospel of Yeshua was lost (within the confusion of history) and for nearly 2,000 years we have heard this FALSE gospel derived mostly from this false prophet called Paul of Tarsus. This person did not even KNOW Yeshua during his lifetime. He emerged gradually AFTER the death of Yeshua into an evangelist who basically replaced Yeshua and his original GOSPEL.

Many biblical scholars now recognize that the REAL Gospel of Yeshua was the Kingdom of his God. Who was the God of Yeshua? Yeshua was a Jew, Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and the anointed one who Yahweh God chose for his message to mankind. The message, called the Gospel (or Good News), was that the KINGDOM of Yahweh (Father) was at hand. Many assumed that this Kingdom (government) would arrive during the life of Yeshua. But this was not to be.

Yeshua was allowed to die and this FALSE gospel of Christianity was allowed to flourish and grow. Satan, the god of planet Earth, played his role in promoting this false gospel to mankind. A huge Catholic church emerged after the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. This false church proclaimed that Yeshua had risen and was an equal to the historical God of History, Yahweh (Father).

Over time, a new God emerged (called the Trinity). This false doctrine of the Trinity confused all mankind and allowed this false gospel of Paul (salvation from all sin) and the Catholic church (the new authority on Earth) to grow and flourish. Today, this church is supreme on planet Earth and a Pope is given authority to speak for God Almighty (whom the church falsely proclaims as Yeshua…the glorified Christ).

All this confusion and deception was allowed to happen for these past 2,000 years. Today, scholars are waking up to all the false proclamations of Christianity and their dogmatic group of false preachers. Millions of believers have bought into the false doctrines of Christianity so as to ‘save’ their inner self from their own deceptions. These believers view themselves as saved and without sin (pursuant to the gospel preached by Paul and his followers).

The REAL Gospel of the historical Yeshua has not been proclaimed until today. The Kingdom of Yeshua’s God was the gospel of the historical God of Israel (Yahweh/Father). This Kingdom or Government is the real solution to mankind’s dilemma (problem). Planet Earth must now proclaim this original Gospel again to save itself from themselves. The Kingdom of God Almighty is the key to mankind’s dilemma (problem).

Mankind is now in the LAST DAYS of man’s rule
and the original Gospel is now being proclaimed again by those with wisdom and understanding. The FALSE gospel of the Catholic church, the Protestant church, and all of Christianity is being recognized as a FALSE gospel ABOUT the person (messenger) and not about his message (the Kingdom of his God). It is this Kingdom which saves mankind and allows peace, justice, and happiness to survive going forward.

Those with wisdom and understanding must abandon the FALSE gospel of Christianity and proclaim the original Gospel of Yeshua (whom God Almighty chose for his message to mankind). Yeshua is now glorified and resides at the right-hand side of Almighty Yahweh. The relationship of Yeshua to the Father (Yahweh) is described in the book of Revelation. This final vision of John (while on Patmos) was a vision directly from Yahweh God (to the glorified Yeshua, then to an angel, and then to John).

Read all about the final chapter of mankind’s history (under Satan) in this final book of our scripture. All the tribulation which is coming will happen so that mankind can clean up their false beliefs and recognize that God Almighty (Yahweh/Father) is our Creator God. Our Creator God will bring us peace, justice, and happiness (after this final period of trial and tribulation). It’s called the WRATH of God Almighty and it all ends at Armageddon.

The REAL GOSPEL (the Kingdom of Yahweh/Father) must be proclaimed prior to this END TIME event called Armageddon. The glorified Yeshua plays a role and all those who recognize this reality will also play a role. The rule of man is ending and all these political puppets must step down from their puppet rule. It will happen per God’s time table. Soon the church age will END. This will bring us more tribulation and awareness of the times at hand.

Prepare for some ‘WRATH’ (anger) which plays a role in bringing mankind to their senses. Repentance means ‘changing of one’s mind’. This will happen at the appointed time and not prior to the scheduled hour. All is determined per God’s word and God’s time table. Will 2020 start this time of trial and tribulation? Or will it start in 2021 or 2022? Only God Knows. Have a great day as we all await the beginning of the end.

I am:

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Wayne Thomas permalink
    September 2, 2020 8:58 am

    In the third paragraph Don {so it is understood}, you claim that Yeshua the Jewish prophesied messiah suffered an old covenant prophesied death, which as we both know with varying understanding of scripture, was the whole reason for The manifestation of God cloaked in flesh as a substitutionary sacrifice. The covenantal sacrifice could not have happened through any other means…please bear that in mind, no matter how you might like to tell the story of Christ and him crucified.

    You seem to have forgotten, that Paul of Tarsus was ”on your side”, persecuting believers, and even putting to death those that believed in Yeshua/ Jesus. If you recall Paul’s qualifications as a Pharisee, and probably with a university degree, he was certainly a man of power and influence. You ought to study again Paul of Tarsus extraordinary call into the ministry. You seem to tell a story entirely foreign to the bible and indeed to any extra-biblical history, that these manuscripts have recorded. [perhaps it is an adulterated doctrine that your church prefers to promote, but not a sceric of it is credible]….Your claims need the qualification of evidence.

    You do not seem to present a very strong or solid case for the real Gospel of Yeshua been lost, Don. It is the first time I have heard of this story in over 40 years!!…….

    I thought we agreed that the name of Yeshua and Jesus was that you preferred to call God manifest in flesh by an Arabic/Hebrew name i.e Yeshua and I prefer to call him in the new covenant and English name of Jesus. By the way, the grand majority of the global population refer to the savior of mankind as Jesus….I always thought that maybe your cultural origins were Arabic maybe, and that is why you preferred the name of Yeshua.

    IT is a little dubious, that your gospel of Yeshua, and the gospel of the kingdom of God which Jesus preached in the Word of God {Mark ch 1} if in fact that they be conflicting gospels, which by your own admission, the gospel of Yeshua has been lost, so to compare the two gospels, is impossible…..Your claims need the qualification of evidence!!!
    How then is Paul preaching a counter Gospel to that which Jesus preached in Mark ch 1?.. What is your evidence for changing the already accepted Word of God…….When all things are considered, and also through my own personal experience, this cumulatively proves Paul’s Gospel to be valid concerning Christ Jesus, and it follows, one would be absolutely foolish, to ignore the words of salvation that can save your eternal soul, to opt-out instead for a deceptive and I would think ”another satanic gospel” that the apostle Paul knew nothing about.

    I would be extremely careful if I were you, Don, in taking away or adding to the Word of God, without any sure knowledge of what your qualifications be to your claims, or what may be your underlying motivations…..Have you read the plagues and curses in the word of God whosoever takes away, distorts or adds to the written word of God?…..Again , Be very careful.


  2. David Holloway permalink
    September 3, 2020 2:43 am

    JESUS CHRIST declared in luke ch 17 “The Kingdom of God does not come with observation because the Kingdom of God is within” . You say you believe the word of God but reject the apostle Paul’s gospel message. How many pages have you ripped out of the Word of God to satisfy your agenda?


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