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Good News: Corona Virus Should be History in Six Months!

September 1, 2020

Swiftly Waning COVID-19 Immunity Poses Vaccination Challenge | Top News |  US News
Swiftly waning Covid-19 immunity poses challenge for vaccine developers |  Business Standard News

As I write there are some 170 vaccines in process. Nine major companies have a vaccine in stage three (ready for use by year end). This is in accordance with the information in the Wall Street Journal today. It appears that this virus called Covid-19 may be ending within six months or less (in most nations of our world). This is GOOD NEWS!

Testing in the U.S.A. shows that 95% of those tested come out negative.
This means that the virus is waning and deaths will diminish going forward. My sense is that this virus will vanish from our media attention within six months (say by February of 2021). Restaurants will open and hotels will start to fill up with occupancy.

But can our stock markets continue this upward spiral into bubble land? Are you aware that the ‘trailing PE’ of the Dow, S&P 500, and the Nasdaq are in huge bubbles. Trailing PE is a ratio which represents earnings for the past 12 months as compared to the current stock price. The Dow trailing PE is up some 47%, the S&P 500 is up some 62%, and the Nasdaq is up some 61%. Can this continue? My sense is that a ceiling will arrive at some point!

These bubble stock markets MUST correct when confidence wanes further. Earnings do not justify these elevated prices of the core Indexes. At some point reality will prevail but it may take some time as Central Planners can manipulate these PE ratios UP with their trading algorithms (indefinitely). But the current PE ratios are in huge BUBBLE territory and investors will recognize this at some point. Our Central Planners may have difficulty manipulating these indexes UP when this happens. All depends upon investor ‘confidence’ (which is waning as I write)!

Consumer Confidence Down in July - dshort - Advisor Perspectives

World economic activity is slowing in many nations. India’s economy declined some 24% in the 2nd quarter. Turkey declined some 10%. China’s banks are showing huge loses. Argentina and Venezuela are in recession. All this could surface and point to declining stock prices by the end of 2020 or sooner. Don’t bet on this farce of Central Bank manipulation to continue forever. It must end at some point (and rather soon).

The Baltic Dry Index is also starting its decline again. This shows that international trade is waning. Will our Central Planners pump-up our markets with MORE stimulus funds (created out-of-nothing)? This is likely after our next election in November. Between now and November 3 (64 days) we may not witness much stimulus but when the election is over we could witness some huge injections by our Central Planners.

Who are our Central Planners? Think of our Fed institution and our Treasury department. These two entities could agree to stimulate our economy by buying assets and investing in our stock markets with QE dollars. Today, our Fed can merely ‘type’ official dollars into their computer account and fund any stimulus into ‘infinity’ (if they wish). Math is what we use as our money units today. Central Planners love this system as they can ‘counterfeit’ money units into infinity!

What will the Fed do next to ease coronavirus threat? | Financial Times
The Fed Can't Save Us | Mises Institute

Our system is diabolical but our political leaders have accepted this corrupt system for our nation.
Money is key to the survival of our political leaders and having a ‘checkbook’ of counterfeit dollars is favorable for these elites. You and I can not counterfeit our checkbook but our elites can do this behind closed doors (as our Congress is in cahoots with these banking criminals). Amazing corruption which few want to internalize!

Fed's balance sheet at $6.7 trillion, but growth pace down sharply - Reuters

Anyway, it looks like this Covid-19 virus is waning. Vaccines are coming for everyone. All should arrive by the end of 2020. This means that this virus could wane to nothing in the near future. Will a new pandemic or similar dire event arrive in 2021? My sense is YES. We could discover some new event which brings us more ‘wrath’ from our Creator God. We are living in the LAST DAYS of man’s rule and this means more dire events going forward.

A Pivotal Sign We're Living in the Last Days |
Are We Living In The End Times Or Last Days Right Now?
USA vs China: The new cold war on the horizon | DW Analysis - YouTube
If China Invades Taiwan, This Is What The Fleet Could Look Like
My concern today are the events brewing over in the South China Sea!

Have a good day! The GOOD NEWS on this virus is important to internalize! I am:

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