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The Election Cycle is Changing Rapidly to Favor the Democrats! Why?

July 17, 2020

US elections 2020: a simple guide to the race for the White House ...
Political Polls on Twitter: "2020 Electoral Map "WITHOUT Toss-up ...

With some 100+ days left until America’s election on November 3, 2020, Biden is leading Trump by 11% in some polls and 15% in others. What has happened to the Donald? Everyone on the right (earlier this year) viewed the Donald’s re-election as automatic. The final count could change by election date, but my sense is that the American people will not return the Donald for another four years. Why?

His image is part of the problem. His repeated lies and misrepresentations is another problem. The economy is also a serious problem. And the corona virus pandemic is the final problem. The negatives are now over-whelming for Mr. Trump and I would be shocked if he can overcome all these negatives. Mr. Biden is a weak candidate, but the bigger issue is CHANGE. America needs change so as to deal with her many problems.

All the hype around another Trump rally is mostly invalid for changing our dire situation as a country. America is bankrupt, morally corrupt, polarized philosophically, and the people are restive. My sense is that a majority will give the election to the Democrats and HOPE that new thinking will bring progress. The millennials and our minorities (blacks and hispanics) will vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats.

The white Evangelicals brought the Donald into our current Presidency but even these white voters are fragmenting and changing their support today. This means that Mr. Trump’s re-election is unlikely to happen and America will go totally Socialist with the election of a Democrat (Mr. Biden or similar). Socialism, Agenda 2030, and a trend towards Communism is now the destiny of America. Amazing changes are coming!

Along with these changes will come elevated polarization within the body of citizens as they realize the impact of all these changes. Civil disobedience will become ubiquitous. Name calling will grow. Voters will disagree on nearly everything as our country is now totally polarized. Viewpoints are subjective and this means that nothing will work in America as political mandates will not be supported. Unity and stability can not occur in this type of environment.

A people who can not unite around common values will devolve into mass chaos. The idea of Socialism/Communism for America is anathema to most thinking voters who understand our history. But this mindset is now the philosophy of our Democratic leaders and those who desire serious change for the status quo. Biden, AOC, Sanders, Warren, Pelosi, and those who support these leaders, will attempt to mandate this new agenda come 2021.

Prepare for utter chaos come January of 2021. America is falling apart mentally, morally, socially, politically, economically, spiritually, and philosophically. I have been writing about these trends for years. The day of decision is now here and the coming election cycle will reveal all these dire issues for all to digest. The EMPIRE called America is essentially over. Few seem to notice the devolution which is OBVIOUS to me.

Prepare for major chaos is 2021. We are living in the CALM before the STORM. That is my perception. Think for yourself to discern the trends.

The signs of a Democratic landslide are everywhere:

2020 election polls: Trump and Biden deadlocked in AZ, FL, MI, NC ...
Are we in a constitutional crisis? Or is it just a period of ...
Biden Takes Lead Over Trump in 2020 Presidential Poll - The New ...
Fox News Poll: Biden widens lead over Trump; Republicans ...

Have a great day even as events continue to deteriorate. I am:


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