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Islam vs. Christianity! Differences!

June 25, 2020
Christianity Vs. Islam : What's The Difference?

Our world has some 1.6 billion people who believe in the worldview called Islam and some 2.2 billion who believe in the worldview called Christianity. This reveals that about 3.8 billion or 50% of all citizens on our planet accept these two worldviews as reality (or mostly reality). But what are the key differences which make assimilation and/or reconciliation impossible for either worldview?

Islam rejects much of the text which Christians view as revealed scripture and vice versa. The entire New Testament is viewed as flawed…say deep believers in Islam. The words (say believers) are man derived and not words which originated with our Creator God. This is central to believers in Islam. Christian thinkers would assert a different view on these issues.

Islam does not accept the concept called the Christian Trinity as being a valid doctrine. This doctrine smells of Polytheism to those who view our Creator God as a singularity. Three god person’s within one Godhead is not viewed as valid for most believers in Islam. Allah is singular and he has no partners is the message of Islam. Christian theology is different!

Islam also does not view this prophet/messenger called Yeshua/Jesus as a god or God. For Islam, Yeshua was a flesh/blood prophet of Allah and this makes Yeshua’s worldview similar to that of those who believe in Islam (all Muslims). Believers in Islam view all prior prophets (Noah, Moses, Yeshua, Muhammad, etc.) as equals who ALL submitted to this ONE God/Creator called Allah (in Arabic) and/or Yahweh (in Hebrew).

The above are the big differences between those who accept Islam as reality (when compared to those who accept Christianity as reality). The other key difference is the Holy Book of both belief systems. Islam views their Holy Book (the Koran) as containing words which flowed directly from Allah to the angel Gabriel and then to Muhammad (the prophet). Islam believes that the Koran is essentially a dictation from their God, Allah. This makes it much superior to the Christian New Testament (which Muslims view as flawed/corrupted).

Christians, however, think differently (I will generalize as there are thousands of Christian denominations with different core doctrines). Christians have essentially EXALTED their prophet/messenger (human being) into an equal with our Creator God (called the Father within Christianity). After the death of Yeshua/Jesus in 33 A.D., Christians gradually exalted this person (called Messiah at the time) to a higher spiritual level as they believed that Yeshua was resurrected after death and then he ascended to the right-hand of the Father.

This ascension belief made this prophet/messenger/messiah (of Christianity) into an equal to the God of the Old Testament (so the theology goes). This exaltation theology later became this Trinity concept which evolved over the years among believers (primarily a doctrine which became orthodox after the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D.). This Trinity concept has been adopted by most Christian believers as a reality. Islam rejects this concept.

The other core doctrine of Christianity which Islam rejects is the idea that Yeshua/Jesus was God in the flesh while he lived on our planet (from 4 B.C. to around 33 A.D.). Islam views Yeshua as fully human (a prophet and a messenger…not God) similar to prophet Noah, Moses, and Muhammad. The idea that Yeshua/Jesus was actually God (in the flesh while living on our planet) is totally rejected as anathema to the Koran and the beliefs of Islam. This makes Islam a unitarian theology whereas Christianity has a plural theology (as its core doctrine).

Islam views Christianity as polytheistic even as Christians view their theology as monotheistic. There can be no reconciliation of these worldviews as their beliefs are so contrarian (at the core). Islam has many similarities to historical Judaism but it conflicts with most believers within Christianity. There can be no assimilation and/or reconciliation as the beliefs are so contrarian. What are my views on all these differences?

  1. I would view Islam as more valid than Christianity (even as I could not submit to either).
  2. The idea of one Creator God is also my view (I reject the Christian Trinity concept).
  3. I also do NOT view Yeshua/Jesus as being God in the flesh while he lived on earth. His words and behavior reveal (to me) that he was subservient to his God (Yahweh/Father/Allah). Yeshua prayed to his God and he was later ‘glorified’ by his God (the Father). He never desired to play Yahweh while on this planet. He submitted to his God and died with his beliefs (which Yahweh had given him at his baptism). I do believe that Yeshua was instantaneouly ‘glorified’ , however, at the moment when his ‘spirit’ left his body/brain.
  4. The words within the text of our New Testament are man’s inspired words and NOT the words of our Creator God (IMO). I also reject some of the theology of this disciple called Paul of Tarsus (who wrote most of the New Testament). This disciple developed his beliefs AFTER the death of Yeshua (as Paul had no relationship with the living Yeshua during his lifetime). His vision experience may not be fully valid as who knows where this originated from.
  5. The Koran is also less than absolute IMO as it was written (mostly) AFTER the death of Muhammad. Who knows if all the verbal words and meanings can be ascribed to Allah/Yahweh (totally)? Corruption of words happens to all human beings as all human beings are less than perfect. The evolution of words reveals that meanings can/do change over time. This makes the Koran less than absolute IMO.
  6. Both the Koran and the New Testament are less than absolute as the words have changed over the years. Corruption in meaning happens to text as it gets changed/translated/transliterated/interpreted. Today, we have less than absolute understanding on all issues of theology and scripture. Listen to scholars for this evidence! Both Islam and Christianity reveal this confusion when debates happen.
  7. It is now necessary for each thinker to develop their own worldview on issues of reality. We have no final/absolute info on issues of reality/theology/philosophy. All is subject to corruption in meaning (and interpretation) over time. Think for yourself to discern these realities. Have a good day and watch what happens in real-time going forward. The Day of Judgment may be soon!

I am:

8 Comments leave one →
  1. progress80 permalink
    June 25, 2020 12:34 pm

    Your Post was very interesting,but I must correct you on the Qur’an,the writing down and compilation of the Qur’an was completed in one book during Prophet Muhammad’s lifetime,unlike any books in the Bible,including its compilation.The Bible contains not only errors,but contradictions,absurdities,additions,and things attributed to God which are very questionable,I wrote a few books addressing them,you can view them at have a nice day.


    • September 8, 2020 6:32 pm

      You might want to go ask Yasir Qadhi about the holes in that narrative đŸ˜‚


  2. June 25, 2020 1:10 pm

    The words of Gabriel created the gospel of Islam. Verbal recitation passed from Muhammad to his disciples…over 23 years. Was there some corruption on meaning over the years? Human nature would say yes. Written words get corrupted via human interpretation. D


    • progress80 permalink
      June 25, 2020 8:59 pm

      Each revelations were written down soon after Prophet Muhammad received them,so when all were completed ,they were all written down first hand ,unlike the Bible,we still have today ,what was written down over 1,400 years ago,so the Qur’an we have is the same as it was then.


  3. Muhammad Shukri Yaacob permalink
    June 26, 2020 7:24 am

    You are a Muslim.Be a pious one by submitting wholly to Allah The Creator God.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. progress80 permalink
    June 26, 2020 12:07 pm

    I don’t know if your reply was to me,so I just want to make it clear I am a Muslim in submission to Allah.


  5. Muhammad Shukri Yaacob. permalink
    June 26, 2020 2:42 pm

    I meant for brother Don.He believed in One God and all the messengers including Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon all the messengers).That is the first pillar of faith.Thereafter,improve upon our deeds,especially in accepting the nature of our creation with all the imperfections.Our faculty is limited.To follow our faculty alone will lead us to astray.
    Bro.Don,Allah blessed you with a better mind than others.With good writing skills in many fields,economics,finance and theology to name a few.However,we are a servant to Him.Being a servant to Him,we stand high.


    • progress80 permalink
      June 26, 2020 5:14 pm

      I agree with you,he is even closer than some Atheists,as they too subconsciously are close and some have even become Muslims,as they ignorantly have made steps to becoming Muslims when they say “THERE IS NO GOD…” but they are only two steps away from THE RIGHT PATH which is THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH,so those who make the next two steps were not even conscious of how close they were until said BUT ALLAH.

      Liked by 1 person

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