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THE ‘2nd American Revolution’ has Started! Why?

June 24, 2020

The Beginning of The 2nd American Revolution | American revolution ...
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Have you noticed what our various mobs are doing to change American history? Statues are coming down all around the country. The Woodrow Wilson’s statute, Teddy Roosevelt’s statute, Ulysses Grant statute, and another attempt to bring down Andrew Jackson’s statute in Washington D.C. Why all this destruction? What is the thinking of those who now desire to riot so as to change America? Let’s explore the core underlying reasons!

My sense is that our SYSTEM is totally broken. After some 244 years of following our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, a growing body of thinkers (mostly the young) have concluded that our SYSTEM is broken. Freedom for the many never did arrive. I have been writing about these issues for years. When I watch our leaders in action (in Washington D.C., etc.), I witness polarization and divisiveness everywhere. The SYSTEM is not working and attempts to change it are not accomplished by those who perpetuate the status quo.

After following the history of our monetary system for over 50 years, I can discern that this system has reached a crisis status which will not get solved by any of our current leaders. There is no attempt to deal with these continuing issues. Anyone who thinks independently can discern that America does not work for the many. The idea that a select leader can MAGA is sheer foolishness and without any understanding of our history. So will more STATUES come down in the coming months? Will more autonomous zones develop in our major cities?

I would wager that many more statutes will come tumbling down. We could witness Mount Rushmore being torched and maybe even the Lincoln Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial being trashed. All the values of our founding fathers are now mostly being rejected by these mobs which recognize that our SYSTEM is broken. Why do so many hate Capitalism and desire the ideas of Marx and Lenin? Europe seems to desire Socialism/Communism and America seems to be following this lead. Why?

Personally, I don’t blame these young mobs for some of their actions as I have recognized for years that our SYSTEM is totally corrupt/broken. Change must happen and those who have no viable alternative within our SYSTEM (change does not happen with dialogue…so it seems) must act to destroy the SYSTEM (with violence). History and human nature provide ample evidence of change happening with chaos and violence when no other peaceful alternatives are available.

In reality, our leaders should recognize this corrupt/broken system and voluntarily promote immediate change (by stepping down from their positions of power). But this is not what happens in real-time. Money gets funneled to select elites who attempt to use the corrupt/broken system to advance their ego agenda (with more power). The idea of Making America Great Again (MAGA) has no merit when the SYSTEM is this corrupt and broken. Look at the numbers to discern the obvious: Watch Washington D.C. and the rhetoric emanating from this venue!

The coming election in November will likely create NEW divisions among the American people as they recognize the problems in real-time. We need a NEW set of leaders with a NEW vision for our future and this is unlikely to happen (without much more chaos and violence). So expect more statutes coming down and expect more violence in the streets. There is no other viable ALTERNATIVE (for those out of power/control). Money will placate the many (for now) and the few who desire meaningful CHANGE will continue with violence and riots (as they have no other real alternative). Shame on our leaders! They should step down voluntarily IMO. America’s problems are beyond resolution (see the numbers)!

Capitalism (is over for America), Communism (is desired by a growing body of the young), the real solution is the Kingdom of our Creator God! (prophecy demands this solution)

Think for yourself to discern these problems. Have a great day! I am:

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