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Trump’s Tulsa Rhetoric Reveals ‘Hyperbole’! Not Reality!

June 20, 2020

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Hyperbole is an exaggerated set of statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. Hyperbole was my perception of the Donald’s Tulsa speech to his followers. His rhetoric (on economic events) was mostly exaggeration and positive spin. Reality, however, needs some basis in real-time events. This was missing from the Donald’s presentation IMO.

The Donald thinks that our economy will be going UP, UP, UP starting in August and this means that his leadership will be vindicated at the polls on November 3. Biden, he implies, will create total chaos for our markets and for America as a nation. The Donald says that 2021 will be the best year ever as his economy grows and grows. Why do I view his message as ‘hyperbole’?

Our real-time markets are now is a state of deflation and collapse. This is obvious when specifics are introduced. Let’s look at the last portion of the Debt Clock website where Household assets and total National assets are listed. In the last four months this section has declined over $1 trillion (indicating deflation for our economy). Then if you look at total Unfunded Liabilities we can calculate an increase of over $500 billion in this category (over the past four months).

This is the first time that I have witnessed our National Assets declining precipitously while our unfunded debts skyrocket. All this shows that our economy is in a deflating mode and this means a growing deflation for our economy down the road. You can observe the numbers here: (go to the bottom of the page for these numbers). Assets are now declining (fast) and Liabilities (debt) is skyrocketing.

To reverse this trend will require a boom economy (right now) which I can not foresee given all the dysfunction within our economic system. Our FED would need to buy up all these declining assets to prevent the coming deflation. So will Trump’s rhetoric in Tulsa prove to be valid come November? My sense is that this is very unlikely. Our markets are deflating and layoff’s and bankruptcies will grow in this environment.

One favorable factor for the Donald, however, is that his opponent, Mr. Biden, is no improvement for our nation. Joe’s policies would create even more dire events IMO. But does this mean that the Donald will get re-elected in November? This is possible but also doubtful. People usually desire a growing economy if an incumbent is to get re-elected. We could be in serious economic trouble by this fall.

The coming election should be interesting. I view both candidates as losers on most of the important issues. Could a third party emerge prior to this coming election? I would hope so. But Americans usually tend to vote for the lesser of two evils. Our coming election could reveal the ‘evil’ of both these candidates (watch the debates). Think for yourself to discern what might emerge. I sense trouble!

Have a great day! I am:

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