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America’s Economy (Now): Numbers Speak!

May 18, 2020

The Decline and Crash of the American Economy: Kurtzman, Joel ...
Chart: Predicted Unemployment Higher Than Great Depression | Statista

The updated numbers reveal that America’s economy is crashing even as our stock markets go UP and UP. What gives? Is our Fed buying stocks? Why?

Here are the new numbers which reveal a serious crash in our economy:

1. Total unemployment has reached: 42,203,613 people (this is 33.9% of our workforce…which is shrinking)
2. America’s workforce is down to: 124,325,933 (this number shrinks daily as people get laid-off)
3. America’s Debt to GDP (Now): 118.58% (this is getting worse by the day)
4. America’s Deficit to GDP (Now): 13.04% (should be around 5% or less to allow for private sector growth)
5. Actual Budget Deficit (Now): $3.25 trillion (this number will grow in 2020)
6. Dollar to Gold Ratio (Now): $23,515 (this reveals that the price of gold can increase exponentially going forward)
7. Dollar to Silver Ratio (Now): $2,836 (this reveals that silver is dirt cheap at its current price of $17.48/ounce)

Conclusion: America’s economy is crashing even as our stock markets go UP and UP. The current markets are as follows:

1. Dow: up 892.99 points (as I write)
2. Nasdaq up 232.63 points (as I write)
3. S&P up 94.06 points (as I write)

Who is pumping up these electronic indices? It’s our corrupt Fed (the New York Fed). These traders have been given orders to buy, buy, buy (irrespective of what our production economy is doing). This is total corruption at the highest level. Our real economy is crashing but our elites who do our central planning are pumping up stocks to give our people the ILLUSION of prosperity.

All this ILLUSION will fade going forward. At some point in the next few weeks these pumped up markets will crash. Reality will prevail at some point. Over 40 million Americans are unemployed (a depression number) yet our elites think they can reverse this reality with unlimited buying of stocks. It’s diabolical and corrupt. It will work for a few days or weeks and then the problem will magnify (exponentially). Watch to discern.

Have a great day but IGNORE our official statistics (they are bogus and false). Believe your alternative media (not the official media or our official administrators). That is my advice. I am:

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