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Listen-up Mr. Trump: My Children and Grandchildren have NO Future!

March 10, 2020

Image result for mr trump has done nothing to solve our debt and deficit issues
Image result for Trump has no policy to deal with debt and deficits
Image result for us debt is over 23 trillion
Image result for my children have no future as national debt can not be repaid

Kicking the can down the road is no positive policy for our nation, Mr. Trump.
Our DEBT is now unpayable and my children and grandchildren have no future given our debt/deficit situation. Our National Debt is over $23 trillion. Our deficits are now over $1.3 trillion (with no solution on the horizon). Debt and deficits must eventually be paid, Mr. Trump. Who must pay? Is your thinking a valid policy for our children and grandchildren? Your thinking is destructive for our future and for our nation if continued!

Look at the numbers, Mr. Trump: Our DEBT is unsustainable and you have done nothing these past 3.5 years to develop a positive policy for this issue. This is scandalous. My children and my grandchildren are now the victims of this LACK of policy/plan. Your administration is also not dealing with our money problem. Why is our dollar de-coupled from our production? Are you aware that a digital dollar is virtual ($1) and has no ‘tie’ to our material production? This creates daily chaos in our trading markets, Mr. Trump.

Why have you not promoted new thinking within our Federal Reserve System. This body of elites have done nothing to solve our dollar problem or our need for a stable currency. Our dollar is now a ‘no thing’ unit which has no ‘tie’ to anything material. This means that our trading is de-coupled from the reality of production. Is our Fed part of the problem? Why are you not focusing on the serious issues which face this nation, Mr. Trump?

Our digital markets go UP and DOWN with no ‘tie’ to anything related to production. We trade a virtual digit (as our currency) and the entire world system is now trading virtual digits. Is this SOUND policy for my children and grandchildren. I don’t think so! After 3.5 years in leadership you have done absolutely NOTHING to lead on the important issues of our economy (DEBT, DEFICITS, DOLLAR). See the numbers:

We now need NEW leadership for our nation, Mr. Trump. If you are unwilling to lead then you need to step down from your position of authority. Leadership is about SOLVING our PROBLEMS. The DEBT issue is crucial. The DEFICIT issue is crucial. The DOLLAR issue is crucial. Either lead or get out of way so NEW leadership can emerge. That is my message for you, Mr. Trump. I have been writing about these issues for over 12 years. Check out my blog. Have a good day and start to THINK about the important issues which affect our children and grandchildren. I am:

2 Comments leave one →
  1. srhardy67 permalink
    March 10, 2020 7:23 pm

    DEBT is now unpayable? No, you can service the money owed to external banks easily and the debt you owe yourself can be canceled (wont be because thats a default and the president is forbidden from doing this) or paid with the issue of a coin/note to the value, and while it amounts to canceling the debt. Now as to how this affected markets, who knows but if Japans ‘retireing’ of debt is any example the answer is, no problem at all. In fact if you just reclassed debt to what it realy is, and thats wealth in circulation ~ you would feel a LOT BETTER ABOUT IT. Proof is when AUSTRALIA, paid off its foreign debt. It caused the markets to dissapear and after all that belt tightening, we didnt have the society someone who spent like our asian neighbours were building for the 21st century. Paying off debt is insane, better to go down the biggest debitor in all history with a well looked after society, military and infarstructure! This getting out of debt makes sense for someone like you and I thats dont borrow from our own bank but it makes NO SENSE for a NATION! Never has, never will. Lastly GOLD & SILVER are awesome but they will NEVER be used for trade again (they might be used to give a temp value to a market but you dont need to own it to value it)

    That world and that belief is gone in this digital one…


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