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Who Rules Planet Earth As Satan’s Agents? Let’s think!

June 12, 2019

My personal view reveals (to me) that TWO nations (and their Deep State operators) mostly rule this planet (as agents of the invisible Lucifer/Satan). Most serious believers in a Creator God also view Satan as the ultimate ‘prince of the power of the air’ (an invisible angel) who rules via his agents this planet (called Earth). The TWO key agents of Satan (who is often called Lucifer) are the ‘Little Satan’ (Israel) and the ‘Big Satan’ (America). This reality is becoming more obvious (to me) as I watch world events daily. The END TIMES are definitely here IMO.


There is a reason why so many counterparties (various enemies) of America and Israel view these nations as the ‘Little Satan’ and the ‘Big Satan’. Israel lobbies America to get what it desires (power and control). America (since the end of WWII) has become the dominant power on this planet (militarily, scientifically, and economically). America currently rules the air, the sea, and the land with their 800 military bases. Think on this for a minute. America also rules commerce with their reserve currency called the U.S. dollar.


America also controls commerce and banking via their Swift payments system, the fiat dollar (created out-of-nothing), their guns, missiles, and bombs. Who can challenge the might of the ‘Little Satan’ and the ‘Big Satan’ (as of this moment). America and Israel use economic sanctions, psychological intimidation, Deep State operators, banking controls, their intelligence agencies, and their loyal proxies to control and rule this planet. This seems obvious as I watch world events daily.


The invisible POWER behind these two agents of Satan is Mr. Lucifer himself…IMO. Lucifer works through the political system (including the military industrial complex) and the minds of select operators so that these AGENTS can rule and intimidate the rest of mankind. Few recognize what is happening on this planet as FEW think critically about what is happening in real-time. Few comprehend the spiritual nature of reality, the spiritual nature of our money system, and the spiritual nature of our Deep State operators who make sure that Satan’s agenda is accomplished.


Our planet is RULED ultimately by Jehovah God but his agent (Satan/Lucifer) has been temporarily given authority to rule via his invisible spirit of deception and pride. Our leaders do not recognize their puppet behavior as the real ruler (behind the scenes) is this ‘invisible’ spirit called Lucifer/Satan. Lucifer is the ‘prince of the power of the air’ a term which describes his invisible/spiritual rule. As human beings we are all living within our spiritual consciousness. And this allows these invisible forces to dominate our political, religious, scientific, and economic systems.


Very few think critically about the BIG ISSUES of life. Why am I here? How did I get here? Who rules over my consciousness? Why do events go from bad to worse? Why are good intentions worthless when the governing source is this invisible spirit called Satan? Satan rules via deception, intrigue, arrogance, pride, flattery, and this concept called positive group-think. Human nature is selfish and egoistic at the core. This allows Satan to use words of deception and positive spin to further his control over this planet and our leaders. We are all susceptible to this invisible ‘power of the air’!


Think about who RULES this planet (as agents of Satan). Does Israel and America dominate over everyone (politically/economically/militarily)? Does this concept called Might makes Right dominate all political decision-making? Who has the military power to rule over any enemy (at this precise moment in time)? Who has the guns, bombs, missiles, and weapons of destruction to enforce their desires on the many? I say it is AMERICA and ISRAEL (with the help of Deep State agents) all bowing to the invisible PRINCE of the power of the air…Satan/Lucifer. It seems OBVIOUS to me. Think for yourself to discern reality! Is it time to think critically? I think so!


P.S. Some images to help you discern spiritual reality:




Have a great day and watch as events continue to go from bad to worse (over time). There is a REASON! Who should be ruling this planet? It’s time for critical thinking! I am:




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