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Was ‘he’ Resurrected or Glorified? Today is Good Friday, 2019!

April 19, 2019

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Today, I will reveal my personal beliefs on this history called the ‘life of Yeshua’ (Jesus in our English culture). Today is Good Friday, April 19, 2019. It is now nearly 2,000 years since Yeshua’s death at Golgotha (outside Jerusalem) around 31 A.D. The pagan holiday of Easter has been celebrated since the 7th century and it continues to attract believers to this day. Bunnies and Easter eggs are prevalent for these believers (along with the Christian myths which promote ‘idolatry’ IMO for some 2.1 billion believers).


Easter, which celebrates the resurrection from the dead of Yeshua (called Jesus), is a holiday actually based on an ancient Pagan ritual. Unlike most holidays, Easter does not fall on the same set date each year. Instead, Christians in the West celebrate Easter on the first Sunday after the full moon of the vernal equinox on March 21. Therefore, Easter is celebrated each year between March 22 and April 25.


The exact origins of Easter are unknown, but some sources believe that the word “Easter” is taken from the Teutonic goddess of fertility and spring – Eostre. Easter has also been traced to the Latin words Hebdomada Alba – meaning white week – referencing Easter week in which white clothing is worn by people who get baptized.


What is my view (beliefs) about this event which supposedly happened some 2,000 years prior to today? Let’s briefly review my beliefs as of today:

  1. I do believe that Yeshua was a real human being who lived on our planet for some 35 +- years (say from 4 B.C. to 31 A.D.). He did preach a gospel message for some 1 -3 years about his God called Yahweh (Jehovah) which he called the Kingdom of  his God and/or the Kingdom of Heaven.
  2. Yeshua was a political person in that he desired changes to the historical narrative of Judaism. His core message was that his God (called Yahweh in Hebrew and/or Jehovah in English) rules over planet Earth and should rule over all serious believers. The idea that a hierarchy of elites within the Sanhedrin should rule and impose mandates on believers was rejected. His idea was that he (plus anyone who was ‘born again’) could go directly to his spiritual Father (Yahweh) for a relationship. The hierarchy of the Temple and the Sanhedrin was not valid for real ‘born-again’ believers.
  3. Yeshua was rejected by those elites within the Sanhedrin/Temple and turned over to Pontius Pilate for sentencing. The result was a sentence of death at Golgotha. According to the canonical gospels, Jesus was arrested and tried by the Sanhedrin, and then sentenced by Pontius Pilate to be scourged, and finally crucified by the Romans. He was then hung between two convicted thieves and, according to the Gospel of Mark, died some six hours later. During this time, the soldiers affixed a sign to the top of the cross stating “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” which, according to the Gospel of John, was written in three languages.
  4. Immediately at the point of death his ‘spirit’ left his body and Yeshua was then ‘glorified’ (made a ‘spirit’ being) by his God (Yahweh/Jehovah/Father) IMO. This concept of ‘spirit’ needs to be understood. In reality, each of us is a ‘spirit’ being and at the moment of physical death this ‘spirit’ gets glorified (if a person is ‘born again’). This ‘glorification’ is not the same as this concept called ‘resurrection’ of the body. The idea that the mangled (spear in the side body) of Yeshua was later resurrected (bodily) after some three days in the grave is totally anathema to common sense IMO. It is also totally impossible scientifically (given today’s knowledge). The theology of bodily resurrection I find as implausible and mythological. It did not happen as my Christian friends assume.
  5. What really happened is that Yeshua was ‘glorified’ (immediately at the point of physical death) and then his ‘spirit’ appeared to select followers in vision form. We need to recognize that the human mind (spirit) can entertain visionary images from the spiritual realm (then and now). Peter saw the ‘glorified’ image of Yeshua after his passing and so did others (James, John, Mary, and later Paul of Tarsus). The visionary image of Yeshua can be experienced today if Yeshua chooses to ‘appear’ to the inner ‘spirit’ of a born again person.
  6. So where is Yeshua as of today/now? My sense is that this ‘glorified’ person (a real historical human person who lived on planet Earth some 35+-years) is now residing at the ‘right-hand’ side of his (our) Father (Yahweh/Jehovah) who lives within us (called the spiritual realm). Each of us is actually part of a dual nature which includes the physical body/brain and the non-physical mind/spirit. It may be necessary for one to be ‘born-again’ to actually discern these realities. For me, this is obvious as I live within my inner self and observe via my inner spirit consciousness. I assume that you are capable of doing likewise.
  7. So is Yeshua God? Absolutely not. Is he a High Priest at the right-hand of Jehovah God? I would suggest, yes. Is Yeshua EQUAL with the Father (Jehovah/Yahweh God). Absolutely not. Jehovah God is a Singularity who sits on the Throne of our inner universe and rules the entire physical and metaphysical universe. Hear O’ Israel, the Lord our God is One God (not three or some Trinity). A human being (like the historical Yeshua can not be our Creator God. This is absurd and this belief that Yeshua is God (was God) is also false theology IMO.
  8. Yeshua never desired to be our Creator or our God. Scripture is clear on this. Read the narrative of this person who lived (as a human being) for some 35 +- years. This person was circumcised after his birth. He was dedicated to the God of his parents at the Temple in Jerusalem. He was baptised (suggesting his imperfection). The God of Israel was this invisible spirit being called Yahweh and/or Jehovah. The idea that a chosen messenger/prophet/servant of Yahweh was EQUAL with this God of Israel is not valid theology IMO. Yeshua prayed to Yahweh not to himself. Think logically to discern the humanity and subservience of this servant of Jehovah God.


Good Friday and Easter are mostly PAGAN holidays which promote idolatry for real believers in our Creator God. Our Creator God is not some prior human being (a prior person composed of flesh/blood). Our Creator God is not made of flesh and blood. Our Creator God is not visible or observable to the bodily eye. Our Creator God rules over my/your inner self (our spiritual self). The reality is that WE (you and I) are spirit beings (living in a body of matter/energy).


Evidence for our spiritual nature is our WORDS. Words derive from our spirit MIND. The idea that my brain originates my WORDS is ridiculous IMO. My WORDS and your WORDS are spirit phenomena. That is my belief. I live within TWO realms. I propose that you do likewise. Get real and wake up to the reality that life is mostly a spiritual experience and we all operate ‘AT EFFECT’. We are servants of higher spiritual powers which work THROUGH us. Good Friday is a great day to reflect on these common sense realities IMO.


Have a great day. Easter and Good Friday are PAGAN holidays (to me). The real message GOSPEL of Yeshua (Jesus) IMO was the KINGDOM OF HIS GOD (the singularity within us). America was FOUNDED upon a Creator God (this same SINGULARITY which ruled over Yeshua back in his lifetime). America and all Nations could be ONE planet under this Creator God. We would then experience REAL freedom and prosperity for the 7.6 billion on this planet. My view of reality for each of you to contemplate.

Image result for Jesus at the right hand of the Father in heaven

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The invisible Jehovah God on his spiritual Throne (within us)!

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I am:

One Comment leave one →
  1. Muhammad Shukri Yaacob permalink
    April 21, 2019 2:06 am

    In the issue of Jesus’s killing,the Holy Quran says,’That they said (in boast),”we killed Christ Jesus,the son of Mary,the Apostle of Allah” but they killed him not,nor crucified him,but so it was made to appear to them,and those who differ therein are full of doubts,with no (certain) knowledge,but only conjecture to follow,for,of a surety they killed him not”.(4-157).


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