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Health of America Crashing! Let’s Think!

December 3, 2021
Coronavirus: Over 1,000 Cases Now In U.S., And 'It's Going To Get Worse,'  Fauci Says : Shots - Health News : NPR
America’s highest paid bureaucrat wants MORE jabs, masks, and lock-downs! Is this working?
Dow drops nearly 3,000 points, as coronavirus collapse continues; worst day  since '87
The coming crash could exceed all the above!

As I write the Dow Index is down some 290 points and the 10 year treasury bond has crashed to 1.35% (down some 9 points). What does this mean? It means that our economy is in dire straits and the trend is down from here. The economic health of America is now dire and many will recognize this reality by X-mas. All the talk about inflation could be ‘moot’ by the end of 2021. Deflation and Depression is on the horizon!

The physical health of America is also dire. I just heard that the Dallas Cowboys (their football team) has 9 players who just tested positive for Covid. Amazing! The test reveals that the vaccinated are not immune to this virus and the many growing variants emerging. All the Dallas Cowboys were vaccinated. What does this reveal? Why are the vaccines not working?

It reveals that the vaccines are not producing the ‘immunity’ that our official authorities are espousing via the media. The IMMUNE system for healthy Americans is being compromised via these JABS of mRNA (so it seems). The vaccines appear to be CAUSING these new variants according to many doctors and thinkers. If this is the case, then we can expect a ‘weakening’ immune system for our collective community. This does not portent progress going into 2022!

If our collective IMMUNE system is being compromised by these experimental vaccines, then we could witness more deaths and health issues going forward. As I write some 18,000+ of vaccinated adults have already DIED from the vaccines. This is according to VAERS. What does this reveal to a thinking person? Are the vaccines working? Why not? What are the issues? Is it time for some critical thinking on these issues?

My sense is that the vaccines are NOT WORKING as our authorities thought. Millions of vaccinated adults are now testing positive for some of these new variants. The Delta variant and the Omicron variant are the talk of our official media today. But could another NEW variant pop-up? I think this is likely given what is now happening. This virus situation is not being solved with all the vaccines, lock-downs, and travel restrictions.

America’s physical health is dire and our economic health is dire. Soon our ‘mental’ health could also be affected by all these issues. But as I write the two politicians who have ruled (Trump and Biden) both continue with the mantra that MORE vaccines are the solution. Many of the TRUMP clan are now espousing the view that the Donald must reverse his policy of promoting these vaccines. Trump’s spiritual prophet, Mark Taylor, now says that Trump’s mindset needs to change. I agree.

Biden is unlikely to change as his advisors are doubling down on this vaccine mantra. Everyone, according to Biden, MUST get a booster shot and all those with natural immunity must get the vaccine jab (anyway). It’s the mantra coming from our OFFICIAL sources and most people are following the advice. My friends at the clubhouse are ALL getting their booster shots. Personally, I will PASS. My research reveals that these vaccines COULD be the cause of all these NEW variants. Think for yourself, however. That is MY viewpoint as of NOW!

I am: Donald B. Swenson,

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