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Final Battle Starting Now: Left vs Right!

November 16, 2020

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The final battle for planet earth is about to begin. This battle is between two extreme views of reality. Let’s describe these views which are now emerging for America and for our world. The battle can be viewed as follows:

1. Left vs Right!
2. State vs Individual!
3. Satan vs Christ!
4. Communism vs Freedom!
5. Man vs God!
6. Flesh vs Spirit!
7. Matter vs Mind!

The American election which is now being contested between the Left (Biden) and the Right (Trump) is an example of a polarized society. America is totally polarized and our values are being challenged. America was founded on the idea that the ‘individual’ is supreme and the ‘state’ is subservient. But all this has changed over time.

Today, the State is supreme and the Individual is being controlled and made a servant of the State. America has two sets of values which are in contention. The LEFT desires more government and more centralization of power. Biden is an example of what could happen if the LEFT acquires control over America. Socialism/Communism is what would develop under the mindset of the LEFT.

The RIGHT has a big problem as their values are crumbling and complacency has replaced the core values of the RIGHT. Capitalism is no longer viable and those in the know (on the LEFT) desire a change to Socialism/Communism. I witness this as I watch our political system compete for power and control. A Biden administration will create this trend towards a totalitarian State. That is what I am witnessing in real-time.

The core values of America (individualism, freedom, self-government, self-control/responsibility, objective morality, and private property) are crumbling as the LEFT gains control over the power structure of our nation. What is now happening is a battle between two extremes. There is no compromise within these extremes. A Civil War is happening!

My sense is that the Civil War in America has already started. The election of 2020 reveals that America is totally divided between the Left and the Right, the State and the Individual, Freedom vs Control. This battle will grow into a huge Civil War in 2021 as both sides will not compromise. Everyone needs to choose between these two extremes.

If you want the INDIVIDUAL to gain supremacy then you need to side with me and people like me who put the INDIVIDUAL first. If you want the STATE to gain supremacy then you need to choose the political power structure which is promoting Agenda 2030 and a global system of government. Biden, Obama, Sanders, AOC, Schumer, Pelosi, the Pope, and most of the ruling Democrats are trending towards this end where the STATE becomes supreme.

My blog has promoted the INDIVIDUAL as supreme and my philosophy is based upon this idea of the INDIVIDUAL being first. The STATE, for me, must not prevail in this coming BATTLE of the MINDS. I will fight for the INDIVIDUAL to the end of my breath. I realize that the STATE is a control system where a few elites RULE over the masses. Agenda 2030 is this control system. Socialism leading to Communism is this type of control system.

Our battle going forward is between TWO EXTREMES (State vs Individual). It is starting now in America with our current polarized election and our current government structure. The election of 2020 is totally corrupt IMO. It reveals that the STATE must NOT prevail going forward. The INDIVIDUAL must prevail. The Battle is NOW and the Battle is final.

Either the INDIVIDUAL wins or else the STATE will win. I will fight for the INDIVIDUAL until my last breath. Most will reject this view (as the Broad road is what most will choose). The Narrow road is the road I am taking. This means that I can not accept the trends now developing (this Agenda 2030 trend). All those who desire the STATE may want to quit reading this blog. What I desire is for many to choose the INDIVIDUAL as supreme and follow this mindset to its end.

Think for yourself and choose your Side. If you want the STATE to rule, then you can not be on my Side. The final battle has started IMO and it will continue until it ENDS. Choose this day the Side you want to promote. The world system must fragment for now as this battle of minds continues. The final battle over planet earth is here IMO. The WAR has started.

Agenda21Today | Agenda 21 Destruction of America
Stop Agenda 2030 : The John Birch Society

That is my view. Have a good day! I am:

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