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NEW ‘SYSTEM’ could emerge quickly…BUT we need ‘NEW LEADERSHIP’ !

May 7, 2020

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Our global economic/political system is totally corrupt and dysfunctional. Fraud, abuse, criminal behavior happens daily as our deceived leaders refuse to DEAL with our real problems. In reality, we (collectively) could create a NEW SYSTEM (for America and the planet) rather quickly IF we had enlightened leadership. Leadership which understands our problems would be necessary. Let’s explore this idea!

As I write this missive we have deceived and corrupt leaders (mostly) who operate under this Prince of Darkness as their invisible leader. This Prince is called Lucifer or Satan. This Prince of Darkness must be ‘bound’ and eliminated from our planet. This could happen rather quickly IF new leadership were to emerge (globally) which comprehends the problems.

Our world system is under the subservience to this Prince of Darkness (Lucifer/Satan). Invisible words and concepts emerge from this Prince of Darkness so that our POWER hungry leaders will function under a ‘cloud’ of deception and lies (mentally/spiritually). This Prince of Darkness functions via lies and deceptions so as to MAINTAIN control and rule over this planet. Were you aware of this?

To rid the planet of this Prince of Darkness it is necessary that new leadership emerge…with enlightenment and justice as their motive. There is no need for these positions of POWER (President’s, Prime Minister’s, Finance Advisers, Central Banksters, and this Deep State system of ‘insiders’ who function behind the scenes). All this could be eliminated with NEW LEADERSHIP (who comprehend reality in the Now).

This new leadership would need to comprehend some basic realities, however. They would need to recognize that our MONEY system is ‘imaginary’ and capable of being fully ‘deleted’ with the punch of a computer key. All the global debt/deficits could be ‘eliminated’ with the punch of a computer key. All the deficits, corrupt stock markets, corrupt derivative markets, could be eliminated simultaneously (with the punch of a computer key). This is NOW possible!

All our money is now digital (95% and growing) and this means that money is VIRTUAL and lives within our consciousness. All money numbers could be ‘deleted’ with the punch of a computer delete key. Virtual money is really nothing and it lives within us as spiritual ‘symbols’ and ‘numbers’. All this is ‘imaginary’ and can be totally ELIMINATED. This Cashless world of virtual digits could be totally ELIMINATED (as all is virtual and living within us)!

All we need to create a NEW economic/political system are NEW LEADERS who discern REALITY correctly. The biggest factor today is to recognize that ‘invisible’ forces rule over our current corrupt System. Look all around yourself (at this moment in time). What do you SEE (observe). Do you observe these ‘money’ symbols and numbers anywhere? I don’t. They are mere units of my/your imagination. We could eliminate all DEBT, DEFICITS, ASSET VALUES with the punch of a computer key. Why? All is virtual (living within our consciousness).

We could then start to market a NEW MODEL for our planet.
This new model could be based upon REALITY (not the current deceptions, fraud, and criminality which we all experience today). All that is required is to ‘bind’ this Prince of Darkness (this invisible spirit of deception called Lucifer/Satan). This could be done with WORDS and LOGIC. With the ‘binding’ of this corrupt (invisible) leader (who works behind the scenes to promote corruption, lies, fraud, and gross criminality) we could create a NEW SYSTEM of freedom, happiness, prosperity, and justice for all.

Think about supporting NEW LEADERSHIP for this planet. All the current leaders operate (primarily) under this Prince of Darkness (unknowingly). They are unaware of this ‘invisible’ force of DARKNESS working within their consciousness. They desire Lucifer’s influence, power, deceit, and enslavement of their constituents (unknowingly) so as to maintain POWER and CONTROL over our planet. Invisible forces rule over planet Earth. Few discern this reality. Isn’t it time to eliminate this source of darkness and promote a MODEL of enlightenment and justice for ALL people?

How is Satan god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4)? |
The Fall of Satan's Kingdom | United Church of God
Who Rules Planet Earth As Satan's Agents? Let's think! | Kingdom ...
Who Rules Planet Earth As Satan's Agents? Let's think! | Kingdom ...
Why is Satan ruling our planet? Yahweh has allowed this Prince of Darkness a definite time period! This time period is soon over! Our prophetic calendar reveals this reality!

The Final Superpower: The Kingdom of God | United Church of God

Have a great day and THINK on these issues of reality. Reality can prevail with NEW LEADERSHIP. I am:

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