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I need help from Jews and Muslims: Is JESUS God?

May 7, 2020

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Christianity has portrayed itself as final reality on the issue of ‘who is God’. Christian theologians have created a theology which is so confused, deceptive, and mysterious that few can discern its falseness. Let’s take the doctrine called The Deity of Jesus. This Jew from the tribe of Judah, who was born around 4 B.C. (give or take), lived on this planet and then his followers created a huge deceptive (but viewed as reality) theology around this crucified person (after his death). Today, this theology is being tested by many critical thinkers and many view the theology as partly fable.

The final theology, within this false religion (called Christianity), is based upon the idea that Jesus (this carpenter from Nazareth) was the God of the Old Testament, was Yahweh God and/or Jehovah God, and was the I AM God which Moses identified as our Creator God during his lifetime. Essentially, what has happened is that theologians (mostly connected with the Catholic religion and later with Protestant’s) have desired to EXALT a human being (a Jew from Nazareth) as being our Creator God. Why not! A human being as God gives people identification with a real person.

Thomas Jefferson reviewed this fantasy idea (back in 1800 +-) and debunked the theology as false. Benjamin Franklin also seemed to view the idea of Jesus as God as fantasy. I assume many other founding fathers had a similar view. Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) was born around 4 B.C., was circumcised, was dedicated to his parents God, Yahweh, at the Temple. As a child he worshiped at the Temple of Yahweh and he later was baptised by his cousin, John. He then developed a ministry called promoting the Kingdom of his God.

This human being walked, talked, and lived as a human being (like me/you) and prayed to his God (daily) while living in Nazareth and vacinity. He desired to serve his God (Yahweh) and prior to death he prayed some three times to his God (Yahweh) regarding his dire situation with his peers and the Roman politicians (who desired to kill him for sedition). At death he cried out to his God ‘eli eli lama sabachthani’ (my God, my God, why has’t thou forsaken me). This shows his behavior regarding his God. He cried out to his God while on the cross.

After this person died, however, a group of followers (especially this Jew called Paul of Tarsus) promoted this historical person (viewed as glorified by Yahweh God) as a being that was EQUAL with Yahweh God. This exaltation theology was a gradual evolution which did not become dominant as a theology until after the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. After this Council,however, his followers promoted (exalted) this dead Jew (now glorified spiritually) into God Almighty (essentially Yahweh God on the throne).

This tricky Trinity concept was developed by Christian theologians gradually (now mostly Catholic theologians) and this concept has continued to this day within Evangelical Christianity. Word play has developed so as to maintain this fiction that Jesus is God Almighty (essentially the God of the Old Testament and the God of our Universe). As I said, Thomas Jefferson had the critical thinking skills to debunk this fantasy but most Christians have not debunked this doctrine of Christianity since its inception back around 325 A.D.

Today, I witness this false idea being promulgated by my Christian friends who now think that their God (Jesus) will fly into our space/time universe and rescue them via this RAPTURE idea. These deceived believers think that Yahweh has become Jesus (a word play) and that their Jesus will fly down from heaven (supposedly a venue in our universe) so they can ‘escape’ the coming wrath of Yahweh God (also called Jacob’s Trouble and/or the Tribulation). What fantasy!

My deceived Christian friends have been INDOCTRINATED with false ideas about this historical Jew from Nazareth and they use their biblical text to support their confused logic with their group-think followers (church members).Their mantra is Jesus is God. Jesus has ‘saved’ me. I am a ‘righteous’ believer. I sin but I am still ‘saved’ because my scripture says so. I am now expecting a RAPTURE (bodily ascension into the clouds above) to escape the sinful world below. Thank you, Jesus!

This fantasy is now everywhere on the internet and believers (who lack critical thinking skills) buy into this nonsense and deception. Millions of deceived believers (beliefs are powerful) are preparing for this coming escape from planet earth. Their God is Jesus and they will not change for anyone because they BELIEVE all this rapture nonsense. They refuse to do any critical thinking as this might upset their belief system (and their social acceptance by their group).

I can say with assurance that these believers are sincere in their deceptions.
They will continue to believe that Jesus is God Almighty. They will continue to prepare for an ESCAPE into the clouds above. They will not change their thinking as group-think is POWERFUL and intoxicating. All this is meant to be and it will LEAD to a serious period of TRIBULATION for our world.

Is Jesus God Almighty? Did he claim this title? Did he worship himself? Did he pray to himself? Was his behavior desiring of being God? I don’t think so! But beliefs prevail and my beliefs must be viewed as my view of reality. Have a great day as you reflect on this idea that Jesus is God Almighty…Creator of planet earth. Jesus is Yahweh. Jesus is Jehovah. Jesus is the I AM. Jesus is God Almighty. I am:

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Azmi permalink
    May 8, 2020 11:59 am

    I’m no expert on Islam but as a guide on the issue of Jesus’ position in Islam and other general comparative religious matters, can follow videos by Dr Zakir Naik or Ahmad Deedat on YouTube.


  2. Muhammad Shukri Yaacob permalink
    May 9, 2020 3:09 pm

    From your past missives and the present one,I understood that Christianity and Trinity concept came much later after the demise of prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon him).The Council of Nicaea which invented those premises.Based on this,Prophet Jesus,did not bring this teaching of so called Christianity.
    Allah,Yahweh,Jehovah,as the only Supreme Being has no beginning or ending.Prophet Jesus came to the world and will end here in this world.These are not attributes of God the Creator.
    Prophet Jesus was sent to the people of Israel.His sphere of authority is limited.Whereas God Almighty,rules the earth and the heaven ,whole universe.Prophet Jesus’s miracles are limited.He cannot create another world complete with its inhabitants .
    Prophet Jesus is not God.Never he claimed to be one.He was the son of Mary.


    • May 17, 2020 9:22 am

      I fully agree. Messiah Jesus was anointed by his God (Yahweh). He is currently living as a glorified High Priest…at the right side of Jehovah God. Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah refer to our Creator God. D


    • May 17, 2020 10:01 pm

      Agree. D


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