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Prophetic Events Happening Daily…But Few Can Discern!

April 15, 2020

Sinister Satan ~ The Red Raven *
Aliens May Well Exist in a Parallel Universe, New Studies Find ...

Most of our leaders have positions of POWER/CONTROL but most lack discernment and wisdom. That is my view. Discernment is a ‘gift’ from above and few seem to acquire this trait. My sense is that the ‘invisible’ realm is ignored by most as this realm works silently and without any observation to our physical senses. I can not SEE these ‘invisible’ forces at work. I must DISCERN these forces. To me the ‘invisible’ realm is more REAL than that which I observe (trees, sun, stars, cars, and houses).

What happens in my view is that spiritual forces work THROUGH us and create our action/decisions. Political leaders may think they are in control of events but (in reality) they are mere PUPPETS (of these invisible spiritual forces). They act out what is given to them (the words) and they then THINK that these words are DERIVED from them. This, to me, is gross deception. I also view myself as a PUPPET (I call myself a servant) of the invisible force which derives from our Creator God. I use my discernment to reveal the effects of these invisible spiritual powers (my gift from above).

So what is this Creator God saying and doing on this planet we call Earth? Are we living in the End Times? Is our Creator God acting to produce these results called the End Times? Are the prophetic words in our Holy Books a reference point for what is happening (and what will happen going forward)? I think so! Interpretation, however is required. This means thinking and reviewing one’s thinking daily and continually is required.

Let’s think about what is now happening in the USA and the greater global society. We are now under the control of a virus (called Covid-19) which no-one seems to understand. Where did this virus come from? Why did our leaders create this global economic shut-down as people travel from city to city, and country to country. Were all these decisions thought out and coordinated? It seems like this shut-down is prophetic in nature! Does decision-making flow from TOP to BOTTOM on this planet? Why?

It appears, to me, that our Creator God has played a role in all this for his purposes and reasons. The invisible forces working within our leaders (through their consciousness) have produced these results (the global shut-down) IMO. All this will create a set of new dominoes that will lead to additional prophetic events going forward. America is likely Babylon the Great (prophetically). America will lead the world into these DIRE End Times which are prophesied to occur. That is my perception!

America is the global Super-Power (militarily). America is the global Super-Power economically with their dollar currency. America is the global spiritual power on this planet. America will soon create this global digital currency which leads to the Mark of the Beast financial system. America is a spiritual power which has created this false religion called Evangelical Christianity and which promotes spiritual ‘idolatry’ with their worship of God’s (Jehovah’s) messenger (Yeshua). Worshiping God’s messenger is a form of ‘idolatry’. Even our founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, recognized the ‘idolatry’ within Christianity. But the masses of deceived do not discern any of this!

Christianity (along with this Pope person at the Vatican…called Pope Francis) will bring new prophetic events to our planet soon (this tribulation period) as events play out in coming days, weeks, months, years. The invisible force behind all this is this ‘invisible’ character called Beelzebub (the Prince of Darkness). You can learn more about this Prince of Darkness here: Beelzebub works ‘invisibly’ behind the scenes to create these End Time events. But this Prince of Darkness does not control the ultimate outcomes. He is merely ‘allowed’ to control our PUPPET leaders for a season.

Power and control is what Beelzebub desires (now). He works ‘invisibly’ to create his rule for a season. Eventually, this Prince of Darkness will lose his power and control. Then his PUPPETS will lose ALL their power over this planet. Bring on the day when this character is ‘bound’ and ‘thrown’ into a cage for the Kingdom Age period. The prophetic calendar reveals what is scheduled for this planet. All will happen precisely as prophesied. The history or man can be reviewed here: It’s crucial to understand this history.

After understanding the history of man (this overview of Daniel 2) you might want to listen to this video on the coming tribulation period which is starting now: All these coming events are uncertain (as to all the details) because only our Creator God KNOWS precisely how events will play out. The best I/You can do is get a broad overview of what might happen and then learn from events as they happen in real-time. Watching our PUPPET leaders is a good way to discern future events. Our ‘invisible’ spiritual forces will create all these coming events. The wise will discern but the masses will live with deception and confusion.

What is happening today is prophetic IMO. Man is at the End of an Age and this means that events will get super dire during this transition period. Our system is corrupt and this means that this system of man must be replaced. The coming Kingdom Age will replace our current SYSTEM of corruption and evil. Justice will prevail eventually AFTER we all experience this coming dire period of transition. Watch our PUPPET leaders as they attempt to RULE and CONTROL events so that they can rule over all of us. Money plays a huge role during this time period. Beelzebub is behind all these events!

Another view on end-times can be heard here:

America is likely Babylon the Great and I propose that America will lead the world into this coming period of DARKNESS. America thinks they are righteous and just, but (in reality) America is a corrupt political/financial/military system which controls mankind and brings us into this period of Darkness. Take the time to listen to the videos in this missive and then do your own research as events play out over the next few years. The END of our AGE is here IMO. Discernment of these ‘invisible’ forces gives me this view of realty. Have a great day and prepare for BIG CHANGE going forward. I am:

One Comment leave one →
  1. srhardy67 permalink
    April 16, 2020 2:29 pm

    the virus is the result of US research (often by dual citizenship Chinese nationals) in the USA until 2015 when congress removed funding for GAIN OF FUNCTION on viruses. So the NIA gave grants to the scientists to continue the research outside USA/EU research in China’s Wuhun BioLab4. The NIA got the complicit CDC (who in 2018/9 had its lab @Ft Detrick closed due to repeated bio leaks) to give security clearance to the researches. Dr Fauci who is now standing beside the president is an old eugenist, who along with second generation eugenist, Bill Gates works with his foundation on funding all this research! Wish I was making this up but Im not.

    So the Wuhun lab, they had 2 lines of research, delivery+payload. Delivery was the SARS upgraded to SARS2 virus, 1000 times more transmissible and the payload was the SARS+HIV (and other novel, ie ~ man made/selected pathogens from black death, ebola ect)

    They then combined these 2 into what we call Covid19 for short.

    How did it get out. We dont know. We do know that the first death was a female virologist from the lab, her body was interfered with at the crematoria and the men responsible paid a heave price as they all died as did the doctor that treated them and also blew the whistle in Wuhun before xmas. So bioleak is the most likley way…

    But I have a theory. The 1990s Japanese subway attacks were brutal and the research was done by these smart nutters in WesternAustralia on a farm over several years, undetected. After the leader was caught and the ring leaders all tried they hung them all. BUT the cult (remember it was the best and brightest they recruited from) all fled Japan and went to South Korea. Now this nutty Christian cult remerges in Korea and its leader, who claims to be Jesus is jailed in 2019 after a trail but his followers are ‘recruiting’ unground believers in Wuhun. They then fled in November and removed all digital online messages about it and then they deliberately spread it amongst the church in Korea!

    Maybe this time they just decided to steal it? But if so what intel or help did they get to know who/what/when… This virus does not just make you sick and yes you can die from it but no ones mentions the real scorpions tail is it makes MEN INFERTILE. This bioweapon was designed to do just what its doing but its real purpose is to reduce the world population!!

    To that end, in closing, Im reminded of the bible quote in Isaiah 4:1 ‘In that day seven women will take hold of one man and say, “We will eat our own food and provide our own clothes; only let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace!”… Yeah a man that can have children is going to become a rare thing indeed before the end!


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