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Resurrection – or was it ‘Glorification’? Let’s Think!

April 12, 2020

the faithpal: 4/3/33 AD
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The body of believers who view reality from the perspective of 2,000 years prior (to today) will develop a philosophy different from those of us who view reality in the NOW. Let’s think about this Jew from the tribe of Judah who died around 33 A.D. We celebrate his new virtual life today, and call it Easter. This Jew, from the tribe of Judah, had a view that ‘body/soul/breath’ was all one person (that is my understanding of his philosophy back in 33 A.D).

God the Father, so the philosophy goes, breathed into the body of Adam/Eve (during creation) and this resulted in their life (body/soul/breath). Adam and Eve were the first two person’s created on planet Earth. We all descend from these two original creations. God breathed life into these two after their physical creation. This was the philosophy of Yeshua/Jesus (and most Israelites) back during the time of Yeshus/Jesus.

But we need to think more deeply on all these issues to discover reality as we live it today. The two concepts which I would like to explore in this missive are the following:

1. Resurrection: this means that my body/soul/breath is raised from the grave after dying. I am resurrected by Father God (our Creator) at some point after my physical death.
2. Glorification:
this means that my consciousness/spirit/soul becomes virtual and is glorified at the moment of death. I enter the spiritual realm immediately at the point of death (my spirit leaving my body/brain).

The above two concepts need to be understood to discover reality as we live it. Do I get resurrected (in my same body/soul/breath) after I die physically (and my body gets cremated and/or placed six feet under)? Is this the real science of today? I don’t think so! What actually happens when I die physically? What happened to this person that we call Yeshua/Jesus back in 33 A.D.? What happened to my mother/father/brother who lived with me on this planet?

What actually happens in real-time is that my inner spirit (which we call my ‘consciousness’ today) gets ‘glorified’ at the precise moment of my death. I become a glorified being at the moment that my spirit leaves my body/brain/breath. I live on in the spiritual realm (this realm of consciousness) when my body/brain/breath ceases to function. Life goes on as my spirit/consciousness ascends as it is eternal (also called immortal).

This historical concept called ‘resurrection’ is no longer a valid view of reality IMO. This view was the view which Yeshua/Jesus held back in 29 – 33 A.D. and which most Israelites (and thinkers) held prior to recent times. It seemed logical (valid) that my body/brain/soul/breath would cease to exist at death. Then God (the Father) our Creator would need to step into the picture so that I lived eternally (this is the Resurrection concept in a nutshell). Glorification is the word that we now need to comprehend to understand life/death.

What actually happened back in 33 A.D. (IMO) is that Yeshua (also called Jesus) was ‘glorified’ immediately at the point that his spirit/consciousness left his body/brain. After this ‘glorification’ (which happened immediately at the point of giving up his spirit), he ‘appeared (virtually to the mind/spirit/consciousness) of select believers who recognized that he was now alive and well. This ‘appearance’ (virtually) seemed as real as a physical resurrection. The believers (Peter, James, Paul, etc.) all experienced this ‘glorified’ person within their consciousness.

Today, I experience virtual reality (like my money/dollar) within my consciousness. My money seems like it is real as it ‘appears’ within my mind/consciousness as a unit/name/symbol ($1.00). I ‘see’ my virtual money in my virtual computer account. It’s all fake/illusionary (as all these virtual units do not technically ‘exist’) but it appears real to me and billions on this planet. Virtual reality is what happened after this person we call Yeshua/Jesus died (physically). His spirit/conscousness was ‘glorified’ immediately by Father God (our Creator) and he lived on after his mortal life ended.

We need to understand the difference between ‘glorification’ and ‘resurrection’. Resurrection (bodily) was not a reality back in 33 A.D. and it is not a reality today (NOW). What was a reality is this concept which I call ‘glorification’. At death my mother was ‘glorified’ immediately. My father was ‘glorified’ immediately (at the point of his spirit leaving his body). My brother (who died in 1948) also was ‘glorified’ immediately at the point of physical death. This same ‘glorification’ will happen to me when I die (physically).

My breath ceases at my death and then my ‘spirit’ (also called my ‘consciousness’) gets ‘glorified’. I enter the spiritual realm (this realm of our collective consciousness). I presume that YOU will experience this same ‘glorification’ at YOUR physical death. Since we all are ‘spirit’ beings living in a body of matter/energy (called the body/brain) we all will experience this same ‘glorification’ at physical death (assuming that God the Father) acts to ‘glorify’ us. It’s all up to God (the Father) our Creator to act at the point of our death.

Think on these concepts as you celebrate Easter (this pagan holiday of the past). Easter is celebrated by believers all around our planet (and most have no idea what it all means). To me Easter is a pagan holiday which represents an ‘invalid’ philosophy of reality. There was NO RESURRECTION of Yeshua/Jesus back in 33 A.D. (his physical death). He was not buried in a grave for three days and then the Father God raised him (his mangled/dead body/brain/soul/breath). This, to me is pure myth. The idea of a physical resurrection (after some three days in the grave) is invalid thinking IMO.

The reality is that Yeshua/Jesus was ‘GLORIFIED’ immediately at the point when his SPIRIT left his body. He lived eternally (after) as the Father (Yahweh God) ‘glorified’ his spirit. He then ‘appeared’ virtually to select believers (within their mind/consciousness). He then ascended to his Father God (Jehovah/Yahweh) and now resides at the RIGHT-HAND side of our Savior King (Jehovah/Yahweh/Father). His experience will be my experience at my point of death (my belief). I presume that YOU could also experience this SAME ‘glorification’ at YOUR point of death (when you give up your ‘spirit’). Think on these two concepts during this pagan holiday (Resurrection vs. Glorification).

Have a great day as you contemplate this new reality. I am:

One Comment leave one →
  1. Wayne Thomas permalink
    April 13, 2020 2:03 am

    Well, may it be said the bible does not talk about Easter….. which belongs to such identities as the spring and fertility goddesses, EOSTRE,….. or fertility goddess, ISHTAR, ….goddess of sexual love, ASTARTE, goddess of storms…….What has chocolate fertility rabbits, and chocolate eggs got to do with Jesus or if you please the Aramaic Yeshua’s death, burial and resurrection?

    Although, It does talk alternatively about the 3,500-year-old feast of Passover that began in Egypt before Moses crossed the Red Sea with Gods people, and in which the Israelites would sacrifice a lamb and paint the blood on their doorposts, which had an amazing and supernatural significance, but also, and most of all, to herald a future type and shadow of salvation.

    Jesus Christ was crucified on the feast of Passover in 33ad and became God’s sacrificial lamb, and it is his blood that was yours and my substitute for sin as it was his pure and sinless blood and life, was the only possible sacrifice that could appease the only righteous and Holy God…
    That is only of course if one believes and accepts this substitutionary salvation, or scripture says that you will die in your sins if you believe not that I am he {John 8:24}…

    The feast of UNLEAVENED BREAD and the feast of FIRSTFRUITS, which was when Jesus Christ rose from the dead…..for the scripture says ‘death could not hold him’….Passover, Unleavened bread, Firstfruits, these ancient Jewish feasts were all fulfilled in Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection……..and then related to Christ’s resurrection, the born again spiritual resurrection reality of Pentecost.

    50 days after Christ’s resurrection, was another harvest feast which was SHAVUOT [or the feast of weeks] or even better known as PENTECOST., in which believers were gloriously filled with the Holy Ghost, all with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Amazingly the Jews would gather in Jerusalem to celebrate the giving of the law to Moses by Almighty God on Mount Sinai.

    THE LORD poured out his spirit on believers at this feast, 50 days after his resurrection and it was the birth of the ”New Covenant” Church, and this happened on the same day that Moses received the 1st law from God on Mt. Sinai
    ……. and with it, the letter of the spiritual law, became written on a believer’s heart and soul. Only if you have received the spirit evidenced with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues do you qualify as been ”Born Again” and have claimed the blood of Jesus for the remission of sins by water baptism. This is a very beautiful and powerful spiritual experience….I have personally partaken of this.

    Unfortunately Don, You don’t believe in this ”myth” that Christ rose from the dead In your Personal Philosophical Opinion……Apparently, the apostle Thomas, when he was invited to put his hands into the LORD’s side, but instead, in amazement and in awe Thomas uttered those famous words, MY LORD AND MY GOD……..i.e My YHWH and my ELOHIM.

    What is disappointing Don, you spend a great deal of time arguing about FATHER, CREATOR, YHWH, LORD, YESHUA, JESUS, JEHOVAH, GOD ALMIGHTY, etc, etc, and in doing so , confusingly refusing to admit, most of these names and titles are in fact, pointing to the work of God in salvation………
    Conversely, you then give an alternative philosophical overview, all because you don’t accept the Bible account of the fall of man, and the fact of the history of God intervening in man’s salvation…….However you have now come up with your own alternative ”philosophy of Glorification”….but only if the creator decides to accept you, of course, I suppose its a bit like a heavenly lotto or raffle……where you are not required to do anything towards this philosophy of glorification.

    You would do well, because you still believe in the Father’s right hand, and in understanding that God is a Spirit, the ”RIGHT HAND OF GOD”, is revealed in [Matt. 28;18]..All power is given unto me in heaven and on earth… is the right hand of power.!!


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