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About Don

Don Swenson has been a self starter and independent thinker from his early days in Minnesota, his adult years in Wisconsin, and now his senior years in Arizona.

Don was born in Roseau, Minnesota in 1943; graduated from high school in Moorhead, Minnesota in 1961; completed his Navy duty in 1966; and graduated from college in 1968 with a degree from Moorhead University, Moorhead, Minnesota.

Upon graduation from college, Don, worked as a mortgage lender, mortgage broker, real estate appraiser, and teacher. He obtained his MAI certification in 1974. His passion has been learning and sharing his knowledge in the areas of economics, philosophy, and theology. Learning and sharing meaningful ideas keeps Don’s passion alive and active.

His knowledge and understanding has been acquired from reading, teaching, and sharing information with a diverse group of persons who have desired to learn and grow in all areas of life. Special credits go to the following (for creating meaningful understanding about issues of life):  G. Carl Weigand, professor emeritus, economics, Southern Illinois University; John Exter, central banking; Vern Meyers, economic philosophy; Willard Cantelon, monetary history; Eckhart Tolle, philosophy of now; Carl Frederick, psychology of now; Elsa Swenson, personal values and life’s challenges, and Peter Russell, science and consciousness. All the above have contributed ideas which have changed Don’s view of life and reality to some degree. And there are many more which could also be named.

The ultimate goals for mankind to achieve seem to be world peace, personal freedom, economic prosperity, personal happiness, and a sense of meaning that transcends ordinary human challenges. The message from many past spiritual persons (Jesus, Mohammad, Moses, Billy Graham, Budda, Martin Luther King, and countless others) who have contributed their passion for a human destiny which might produce the goals mentioned above is a message of seeking spiritual reality. And the one spiritual reality which has not been achieved to date is theKingdom of God. The concept has been preached for thousands of years; however, the reality of this concept has not been internalized as relevant for our planet at this present moment. Most have viewed this concept as relevant for some distant future time period…not a NOW reality.

The reality of the Kingdom promises all humanity the goals which we all desire and seek. The message or gospel of Jesus centered on this immediate reality. If we all seek and desire ultimate personal freedom, world peace, material abundance, and spiritual meaning then we all need to promote God’s Kingdom for our planet. It’s a reality that has not been achieved to date; however, it is a reality which can arrive NOW if we seek this reality NOW. The Kingdom can be present in the NOW if we collectively start living this reality NOW. This web site is just one person’s effort to start the process of thinking which will then lead to a desire for this Kingdom here on Earth. Kingdom economics could be the replacement for Capitalism or any other ism if promoted as such. Our thinking and philosophy could help create the foundations for a new economic system for our planet. THINK:  Kingdom ofGod now!

For additional information on the Kingdom of God concept:

Kingdom of God


Leo Tolstoy

11 Comments leave one →
  1. March 18, 2011 10:32 am

    Hi Don.

    I like your writing. Any ideas on how to get rid of Bernanke et al?



    • March 18, 2011 12:08 pm

      jamie: My approach is to expose his policies. Ron Paul also wants transparency of all Fed policies and past decisions. Evenually, we need to abolish the Fed. D

      Liked by 1 person

    • March 27, 2011 10:12 pm

      Bernanke will likely self-destruct in the near future as more people become aware of his policies and thinking. D


  2. Stewart Smith permalink
    May 31, 2011 4:34 am


    I was just working on a finance project for a social community site and while researching on finance topics, I came across your site ( too. I was impressed with vast array of valuable and unique information. I am associated with many financial sites and communities like ACCION USA, RB international finance LLC, Oak View Law Group as their staff/guest writer and I write articles on various topics of Finances. I am impressed the way you have presented your site.

    Hence, I would like to write a guest post for your site and guess what that also without charging you a penny 🙂

    It would be great to be a part of a wonderful site like yours. I am sure it will add some extra points in my credentials. The article will be 100% unique and will be published only on your site. If you have any topic in mind, please let me know and I will start working on that topic.

    Looking forward for a positive reply 🙂


    Stewart Smith

    (content writer/editor/)


  3. November 1, 2013 6:05 pm

    I am so sorry I missed today’s OLLI class. I apologize. I had a conflict that ran on way too long. If there is anyway to read up/catch up/or come back next semester and learn what I missed, I want to do it.

    Carole Draper


    • November 2, 2013 9:05 pm

      Carole: We did miss you. We had a great discussion on the concept of Wealth, the Wealth Effect, and the Creation of Wealth. I can give you the handout next Friday. Friday we will cover the role of money and the purpose for money. Have a good week. D


  4. Don permalink
    November 24, 2014 7:05 am

    Don, I read with Interest your belief in the FIB CYCLES studies. If this is true, and you absolutely believe we are in an imminent crash cycle (According to Harley, and Mind you, I am also a FIB trader), are you suggesting to your readers to go short or buy puts in the Indexes now to front run this scenario. It is Monday, pre-Market, 11-24-14.


  5. January 7, 2015 9:56 pm

    Don, I too am tired of trying to convince my friends and family that this is going to end badly! I try to educate the populace and those I care about whom seem to have simply a normalcy bias that won’t allow them to think rationally! I am giving up on them since they think I am a nut job! I hear it all day long from customers who also try to tell their families and friends what is coming and they get so frustrated at the narrow mindedness and the media controlled pablum that is being fed to them! Wish I could meet you and visit or attend your classes just to get to know you. I always read Kingdom Economics! Roxanne Lewis


    • January 8, 2015 9:11 am

      Roxanne: Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Change can not arrive until our current system collapses. This is coming. Your friends will wake up at that time. Enjoy this day. D On Jan 7, 2015 9:56 PM, “Kingdom Economics – The Future Is Now” wrote:



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